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Ruffle meaning in Urdu

Ruffle Sentences

Ruffle the surface of the water.
Ruffle somebody's composure.

Ruffle Synonyms


Ruffle Definitions

1 of 11) Ruffle, Affray, Disturbance, Fray : جھگڑا, پھڈا : (noun) a noisy fight.

2 of 11) Ruffle, Flounce, Frill, Furbelow : جھالر, سجاوٹ کی جھالریں : (noun) a strip of pleated material used as a decoration or a trim.

3 of 11) Ruffle, Cock, Prance, Sashay, Strut, Swagger, Tittup : اکڑ کر چلنا, اترا کر چلنا : (verb) to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others.

4 of 11) Ruffle, Cockle, Riffle, Ripple, Undulate : موجوں کی طرح حرکت ہونا, ڈولنا, لہرانا : (verb) stir up (water) so as to form ripples.

6 of 11) Ruffle : چھیڑنا : (verb) trouble or vex.

7 of 11) Ruffle, Flick, Riffle : پھڑپھڑانا, ہلنا : (verb) twitch or flutter.

8 of 11) Ruffle, Mix, Shuffle : گڈ مڈ کرنا : (verb) mix so as to make a random order or arrangement.

9 of 11) Ruffle, Fluff : کھڑاکرنا : (verb) erect or fluff up.

The bird ruffled its feathers.

11 of 11) Ruffle, Pleat : سمیٹنا : (verb) pleat or gather into a ruffle.

Ruffle the curtain fabric.

Useful Words

Jabot : جبوت , Commotion : دھوم , Brawl : بلند آواز والا جھگڑا , Battle Royal : ہنگامہ , Selvage : کپڑے کا بنا ہوا کنارا , Contend : لڑنا , Cackle : شور , Abuzz : بھنبھنانا , Affray : تو تو میں میں , Rackety : ہنگامہ , Whoopee : خوشی کا نعرہ , Stertorously : خراٹے لیتے ھوئے , High Jinks : موج مستی , Slam-Bang : شدید سے زور زور سے , Roisterer : ہنگامہ برپا کرنے والا , Rumpus : جھگڑا , Boisterous : ہلڑباز , Swash : شور پیدا کرنا , Shindig : شوروغل سے بھرپور کوئی اجتماع , Merrymaker : خوش باش , Rupture : پھٹنے کی آواز , Bustling : سر گرم , Boisterousness : ادھم , Convulsion : بحران , Bother : پریشانی , Jabber : تیز آواز میں بات کرنا , Disconcerting : بدحواس کرنے والا , Havoc : تباہی , Storm Center : طوفانی گڑ بڑ کی جگہ , Storm : ہل چل , Combustion : اشتعال

Useful Words Definitions

Jabot: a ruffle on the front of a woman's blouse or a man's shirt.

Commotion: the act of making a noisy disturbance.

Brawl: a noisy fight in a crowd.

Battle Royal: a noisy riotous fight.

Selvage: the edge of a fabric that is woven so that it will not ravel or fray.

Contend: be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight.

Cackle: noisy talk.

Abuzz: noisy like the sound of a bee.

Affray: noisy quarrel.

Rackety: uncontrollably noisy.

Whoopee: noisy and boisterous revelry.

Stertorously: in a noisy and stertorous manner.

High Jinks: noisy and mischievous merrymaking.

Slam-Bang: violent and sudden and noisy.

Roisterer: an especially noisy and unrestrained merrymaker.

Rumpus: cause a disturbance.

Boisterous: noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline.

Swash: make violent, noisy movements.

Shindig: a large and noisy party of people.

Merrymaker: a celebrant who shares in a noisy party.

Rupture: the act of making a sudden noisy break.

Bustling: full of energetic and noisy activity.

Boisterousness: the property of being noisy and lively and unrestrained.

Convulsion: a violent disturbance.

Bother: an angry disturbance.

Jabber: talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner.

Disconcerting: causing an emotional disturbance.

Havoc: violent and needless disturbance.

Storm Center: a center of trouble or disturbance.

Storm: a violent commotion or disturbance.

Combustion: a state of violent disturbance and excitement.

Related Words

Combat : لڑائی , Adornment : ذیبائش , Collar : گلوبند , Fold : موڑنا , Annoy : پریشان کرنا , Displace : چیز کو ایک جگہ سے ہٹانا , Flow : ابل پڑنا
