Kanghay Se Sanw...Ghusal KarnaJisim Ki Kisi J...Austary Se Baal...Gararay KarnaMukammal Tor Pa...DhunaNehlanaSajanaBanana SanwarnaAurat Kay Balon...Pak KarnaSinghaarnaSurkhi LaganaNakhun Tarashi ...Banna SanwarnaTaqreeb Waghera...Bohat Maqool Li...SanwarnaWazan Kam Karna

سجانا : Sajana Meaning in English

Sajana Sentences

Sajana Synonyms


Sajana in Detail

1 of 6) سجانا بنانا سنوارنا : Arrange Coif Coiffe Coiffure Do Dress Set : (verb) arrange attractively.

2 of 6) سجانا لیپا پوتی کرنا : Dress Up Window-Dress : (verb) make something appear superficially attractive.

3 of 6) سونے کا پتر چڑھانا سجانا طلا کاری کرنا : Begild Engild Gild : (verb) decorate with, or as if with, gold leaf or liquid gold.

4 of 6) سجانا : Adorn Beautify Decorate Embellish Grace Ornament : (verb) make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.

5 of 6) سجانا : Bedeck Bedight Deck : (verb) decorate.

6 of 6) سجانا : Dress Garnish Trim : (verb) decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods.

Useful Words

لگنا : Appear : give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect. "You`ve brought me for a walk on such a dirty beach It seems pile of rubbish".

ترتیب دینا : Arrange : put into a proper or systematic order. "Arrange your shirt".

دل کش : Attractive : pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm. "A remarkably attractive young man".

دلکش انداز میں : Attractively : in a beautiful manner. "Her face was beautifully made up".

ڈزائن کرنا : Do : create or design, often in a certain way. "Do my room in blue".

کوئی چیز : Something : An undetermined or unspecified thing. "Lets have something".

سطحی طور پر : Superficially : in a superficial manner. "He was superficially interested".

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