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سماعت سے مُتَعلِق : Samaat Se Mutaliq Meaning in English


Samaat Se Mutaliq in Detail

1 of 2) سماعت سے متعلق سننے سے متعلق : Audile Auditive Auditory : (adjective) of or relating to the process of hearing.

2 of 2) صوتیائی سماعت سے متعلق : Acoustic Acoustical : (adjective) of or relating to the science of acoustics.

Useful Words

بہرے پن کا علاج : Acoustic : a remedy for hearing loss or deafness.

سماعت : Hearing : (law) a proceeding (usually by a court) where evidence is taken for the purpose of determining an issue of fact and reaching a decision based on that evidence. "Next hearing will be interesting".

طریقہ کار : Procedure : a particular course of action intended to achieve a result. "The case of your property is going in his favor so we have to follow the right procedure".

سائنس : Science : a particular branch of scientific knowledge. "The science of genetics".

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