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سَنگ دِل : Sang E Dil Meaning in English

English Learning Video

Sang E Dil Synonyms


Sang E Dil in Detail

1 of 4) سنگ دل بےدرد : Hardhearted Heartless : (adjective) lacking in feeling or pity or warmth.

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2 of 4) کٹہور سنگ دل بے رحم : Implacable : (adjective) incapable of being placated.

3 of 4) ہٹ دھرم ضدی سنگ دل : Flint Flinty Granitic Obdurate Stony : (satellite adjective) showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings.

4 of 4) بے احساس سنگ دل : Stone : (noun) a lack of feeling or expression or movement.

Useful Words

احساس : Feeling : the experiencing of affective and emotional states. "No feeling no mercy".

قابل نہ ہونا : Incapable : (followed by `of') lacking capacity or ability. "Incapable of carrying a tune".

کم : Deficient : inadequate in amount or degree. "A deficient education".

ہمدردی : Commiseration : a feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others. "The blind are too often objects of pity".

گرمی کا احساس : Heat : the sensation caused by heat energy.

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