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Saturate meaning in Urdu

Saturate Synonym


Saturate Definitions

Useful Words

Dip : ڈبونا , Barrage : گولا باری , Aromatise : خوشبو سے بھر دینا , Deluge : ڈوب جانا , Inspirit : جان ڈالنا , Elate : جوش بڑھانا , Medicate : علاج کرنا , Aerate : ہوا دینا , Hermetic : ہوا بند , Inoculate : بیماری سے تحفظ کی دوا ڈالنا , Infertility : بانجھ پن , Blow Up : گیس بھرنا , Ink : روشنائی سے بھرنا , Fill : پورا ہونا , Impregnate : آلودہ کرنا , Disgust : بیزار کرنا , Heap : ڈھیر لگانا , Water : آنسوں سے بھری ہونا , Populate : لوگوں سے بھرنا , Beatify : پھولے نہ سمانا , Fill Again : لبریز کر دینا , Lade : بھرنا , Stuff : بھرنا , Top Off : لبالب بھر دینا , Stow : محفوظ کرنا , Terrify : خوفزدہ کرنا , Clog : بھرنا , Deluge : بھردینا , Imbue : بھگونا , Crowd : بھرنا , Plug : ٹھونس کر بند کرنا

Useful Words Definitions

Dip: immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate.

Barrage: the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target.

Aromatise: fill or impregnate with an odor.

Deluge: fill or cover completely, usually with water.

Inspirit: infuse with spirit.

Elate: fill with high spirits; fill with optimism.

Medicate: impregnate with a medicinal substance.

Aerate: impregnate, combine, or supply with oxygen.

Hermetic: completely sealed; completely airtight.

Inoculate: impregnate with the virus or germ of a disease in order to render immune.

Infertility: the state of being unable to produce offspring; in a woman it is an inability to conceive; in a man it is an inability to impregnate.

Blow Up: fill with gas or air.

Ink: fill with ink.

Fill: fill or meet a want or need.

Impregnate: fill, as with a certain quality.

Disgust: fill with distaste.

Heap: fill to overflow.

Water: fill with tears.

Populate: fill with inhabitants.

Beatify: fill with sublime emotion.

Fill Again: fill something that had previously been emptied.

Lade: fill or place a load on.

Stuff: fill tightly with a material.

Top Off: fill to the point of almost overflowing.

Stow: fill by packing tightly.

Terrify: fill with terror; frighten greatly.

Clog: fill to excess so that function is impaired.

Deluge: fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid.

Imbue: fill, soak, or imbue totally.

Crowd: fill or occupy to the point of overflowing.

Plug: fill or close tightly with or as if with a plug.

Related Words

Fill : بھرنا

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