شُمار کَرنا : Shumar Karna Meaning in English
Shumar Karna Synonyms
Shumar Karna in Detail
1 of 4) گنتی کرنا شمار کرنا گننا : Count Enumerate Number Numerate : (verb) determine the number or amount of.
2 of 4) شمار کرنا حساب کرنا گننا : Calculate Cipher Compute Cypher Figure Reckon Work Out : (verb) make a mathematical calculation or computation.
Useful Words
رقم : Amount : a quantity of money. "He borrowed a large sum".
حساب : Calculation : the procedure of calculating; determining something by mathematical or logical methods.
تعین کرنا : Ascertain : establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study. "He is such a sniper that he can determine the target from a long distance".
بنانا : Make : act in a certain way so as to acquire. "Make friends".
ریاضیاتی : Mathematical : of or pertaining to or of the nature of mathematics. "A mathematical textbook".
فون نمبر : Number : the number is used in calling a particular telephone. "Telephone number was wrong".