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Sinequan meaning in Urdu

Sinequan Synonyms


Sinequan Definitions

1) Sinequan, Adapin, Doxepin, Doxepin Hydrochloride : تناو دور کرنے کی دوا : (noun) a tricyclic antidepressant (trade names Adapin and Sinequan) with numerous side effects (dry mouth and sedation and gastrointestinal disturbances).

Useful Words

Clozapine : دماغی بیماری میں استعمال ہونے والی دوا , Desyrel : ڈپریشن کی دوا , Active Placebo : دوا کی جانچ کروانے والا گروہ , Acular : سوجن کم کرنے کی دوا , Decadron : ایلرجی کی دوا , Advil : درد اور سوزش کم کرنے کی دوا , Cellulose Tape : اسکاچ ٹیپ , Dopamine : دماغ میں پیدا ہونے والا خوشی کا کیمیکل , Heparin : جگر اور پھیپھڑے میں موجود ایک تیزاب , Acetylsalicylic Acid : اسپرین , Saliva : لعاب , Histamine Blocker : ہسٹامن کم کرنے کی دوا , Colonoscopy : کیمرے کی مدد سے بڑی آنت کی جانچ کا طریقہ کار , Suck : چوسنا , Quiet : سکون , Gastroenterology : معدہ اور چھوٹی آنت کی بیماریوں کی خصوصی مطالعہ , Acidophilus Milk : معدے کی دوا , Osteodystrophy : ہڈی کی ناقص نشوونما , Melaena : کالا خونی پاخانہ , Gastroenterologist : معدہ اور آنت کا ڈاکٹر , Dementia Praecox : بلاہت متبادرہ , Niacin : حیاتی کیمیا نیا سین؛ تمباکو کا زہر , Row House : ایک ہی قطار میں بنے ہوئے مکانات میں سے کوئی ایک , Blinder : چشم بند , Hobble : ٹانگیں باندھنا , Left : بائیں جانب , Xanthoma : جلد کے نیچے کولیسٹرول کا مجموعہ , Carcinoid : آنت کا ناسور , Diarrhea : اسہال , Gyrostabiliser : توازن گر , Chunk : ترتیب دینا

Useful Words Definitions

Clozapine: an antipsychotic drug (trade name Clozaril) used as a sedative and for treatment-resistant schizophrenia; know to have few side effects.

Desyrel: oral antidepressant (trade name Desyrel) that is a nontricyclic drug used as a sedative.

Active Placebo: a placebo used in experimental tests of a drug that has noticeable side effects.

Acular: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Acular and Toradol) that is administered only intramuscularly.

Decadron: a corticosteroid drug (trade names Decadron or Dexamethasone Intensol or Dexone or Hexadrol or Oradexon) used to treat allergies or inflammation.

Advil: a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicine (trade names Advil and Motrin and Nuprin) used to relieve the pain of arthritis and as an antipyretic.

Cellulose Tape: transparent or semitransparent adhesive tape (trade names Scotch tape and Sellotape) used for sealing or attaching or mending.

Dopamine: a monoamine neurotransmitter found in the brain and essential for the normal functioning of the central nervous system; as a drug (trade names Dopastat and Intropin) it is used to treat shock and hypotension.

Heparin: a polysaccharide produced in basophils (especially in the lung and liver) and that inhibits the activity of thrombin in coagulation of the blood; it (trade names Lipo-Hepin and Liquaemin) is used as an anticoagulant in the treatment of thrombosis and in heart surgery.

Acetylsalicylic Acid: the acetylated derivative of salicylic acid; used as an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Bayer, Empirin, and St. Joseph) usually taken in tablet form; used as an antipyretic; slows clotting of the blood by poisoning platelets.

Saliva: a clear liquid secreted into the mouth by the salivary glands and mucous glands of the mouth; moistens the mouth and starts the digestion of starches.

Histamine Blocker: a medicine used to treat the gastric effects of histamine in cases of peptic ulcers and gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux; works by blocking the effects of histamine on the receptor site known as H2.

Colonoscopy: Colonoscopy is a visual inspection of the colon, utilizing a colonoscope, from the cecum to the rectum. This procedure typically involves the administration of sedation.

Suck: draw into the mouth by creating a practical vacuum in the mouth.

Quiet: an untroubled state; free from disturbances.

Gastroenterology: the branch of medicine that studies the gastrointestinal tract and its diseases.

Acidophilus Milk: milk fermented by bacteria; used to treat gastrointestinal disorders.

Osteodystrophy: defective bone development; usually attributable to renal disease or to disturbances in calcium and phosphorus metabolism.

Melaena: abnormally dark tarry feces containing blood (usually from gastrointestinal bleeding).

Gastroenterologist: a physician who specializes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and related infection .

Dementia Praecox: any of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and language and withdrawal from social contact.

Niacin: a B vitamin essential for the normal function of the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Row House: a house that is one of a row of identical houses situated side by side and sharing common walls.

Blinder: blind consisting of a leather eyepatch sewn to the side of the halter that prevents a horse from seeing something on either side.

Hobble: strap the foreleg and hind leg together on each side (of a horse) in order to keep the legs on the same side moving in unison.

Left: location near or direction toward the left side; i.e. the side to the north when a person or object faces east.

Xanthoma: a skin problem marked by the development (on the eyelids and neck and back) of irregular yellow nodules; sometimes attributable to disturbances of cholesterol metabolism.

Carcinoid: a small tumor (benign or malignant) arising from the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract; usually associated with excessive secretion of serotonin.

Diarrhea: frequent and watery bowel movements; can be a symptom of infection or food poisoning or colitis or a gastrointestinal tumor.

Gyrostabiliser: a stabilizer consisting of a heavy gyroscope that spins on a vertical axis; reduces side-to-side rolling of a ship or plane.

Chunk: group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side.

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