Snipe meaning in Urdu
Snipe Synonyms
Snipe Definitions
1 of 3) Snipe : چہا, ایک قسم کا پرندہ : (noun) Old or New World straight-billed game bird of the sandpiper family; of marshy areas; similar to the woodcocks.
2 of 3) Snipe : چھپ کر گولی چلانا : (noun) a gunshot from a concealed location.
3 of 3) Snipe, Assail, Assault, Attack, Lash Out, Round : زبانی یا تحریری حملہ کرنا : (verb) attack in speech or writing.
Useful Words
Curlew : مرغابی , Gallinago Gallinago : افریقی پرندہ , Beset : ہر طرف سے حملہ کرنا , Assail : چڑھائی کرنا , Partridge : تیتر پرندہ , Barbet : ایک پرندہ , Duck : مرغابی , Curassow : فیل مرغ , Corvus Corax : پہاڑی کوا , Tody : سبز چڑیا , Genus Himantopus : چھوٹا سارس , Dromaius Novaehollandiae : آسٹریلیا کا شتر مرغ جیسا پرندا , Chatterer : چہچہانے والا , Aegypiidae : گدھ , Pigeon : کبوتر , Corvus Frugilegus : کالا کوا , Pheasant : چکور , Crane : سارس , Grebe : چھوٹی نسل کی مرغابی , Polo : ہاکی نما گہوڑوں پر کھیلا جانے والا کھیل , Sensorium : حس گاہ , Domino : کھیل کا چھکا , Staghound : کتوں کی ایک نسل , Agamidae : رنگین چھپکلی , Aethionema : اودے پھولوں والا پودا , Aisle : نشستوں کی قطاروں کے مابین راستہ , Ostrich : شتر مرغ , Actitis Hypoleucos : لمبی ٹانگوں والی چڑیا , Celery-Leaved Buttercup : ایک پودا , Actitis Macularia : امریکی چڑیا , Shock Troops : حملہ آور فوجی دستے
Useful Words Definitions
Curlew: large migratory shorebirds of the sandpiper family; closely related to woodcocks but having a down-curved bill.
Gallinago Gallinago: common snipe of Eurasia and Africa.
Beset: assail or attack on all sides:.
Assail: launch an attack or assault on; begin hostilities or start warfare with.
Partridge: heavy-bodied small-winged South American game bird resembling a gallinaceous bird but related to the ratite birds.
Barbet: small brightly colored stout-billed tropical bird having short weak wings.
Duck: small wild or domesticated web-footed broad-billed swimming bird usually having a depressed body and short legs.
Curassow: large crested arboreal game bird of warm parts of the Americas having long legs and tails; highly esteemed as game and food.
Corvus Corax: large black bird with a straight bill and long wedge-shaped tail.
Tody: tiny insectivorous West Indian bird having red-and-green plumage and a long straight bill.
Genus Himantopus: major one of two genera of stilts; similar to avocets but with straight bills.
Dromaius Novaehollandiae: large Australian flightless bird similar to the ostrich but smaller.
Chatterer: passerine bird of New World tropics.
Aegypiidae: in some classifications considered the family comprising the Old World vultures which are more often included in the family Accipitridae.
Pigeon: a pigeon is a stout-bodied bird with short legs, commonly found in urban areas worldwide. Known for its cooing calls, pigeons are often domesticated and used historically for message carrying.
Corvus Frugilegus: common gregarious Old World bird about the size and color of the American crow.
Pheasant: large long-tailed gallinaceous bird native to the Old World but introduced elsewhere.
Crane: large long-necked wading bird of marshes and plains in many parts of the world.
Grebe: small compact-bodied almost completely aquatic bird that builds floating nests; similar to loons but smaller and with lobate rather than webbed feet.
Polo: a game similar to field hockey but played on horseback using long-handled mallets and a wooden ball.
Sensorium: the areas of the brain that process and register incoming sensory information and make possible the conscious awareness of the world.
Domino: a small rectangular block used in playing the game of dominoes; the face of each block has two equal areas that can bear 0 to 6 dots.
Staghound: a large heavy hound formerly used in hunting stags and other large game; similar to but larger than a foxhound.
Agamidae: an Old World reptile family of Sauria.
Aethionema: Old World genus of the family Cruciferae.
Aisle: passageway between seating areas as in an auditorium or passenger vehicle or between areas of shelves of goods as in stores.
Ostrich: fast-running African flightless bird with two-toed feet; largest living bird.
Actitis Hypoleucos: a variety of sandpiper.
Celery-Leaved Buttercup: annual herb growing in marshy places.
Actitis Macularia: common North American sandpiper.
Shock Troops: soldiers who are specially trained and armed to lead an assault.
Related Words
Limicoline Bird : ساحلی پرندہ , Criticise : نکتہ چینی کرنا , Abuse : برا بھلا کہنا , Whang : شدید حملہ کرنا , Blister : برس پڑنا