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Special Session meaning in Urdu

خُصوصی اِجلاس

Special Session Definitions

1) Special Session : خصوصی اجلاس : (noun) a session that is held in addition to the regular sessions.


Useful Words

Adjourn : موخر کرنا , Sitting : بیٹھنے کا دورانیہ , Closed Session : خفیہ اجلاس , Dry Run : آزمائشی مشق کرنا , Question Time : وقفہ سوالات , Tutorial : درس , By-Election : ضمنی انتخاب , Feast Of Sacrifice : عيد الاضحی , Bent : کچھ کرنے کا خاص طریقہ , Procure : حاصل کرنا , Darling : عزیز , Bear Down : خاص توجہ دینا , Breed : قسم , Sas : خاص ہوائی سروس , Case : صورت , Especially : خصوصی , Red-Letter : یادگار , Focus : زور , Clout : اثر , Accent : زور , Jubilee : سالگرہ کا جشن , Arcanum : راز , Biochemist : جاندار اشیا کی کیمیا کا ماہر , Academy : مدرسہ , Hour : یادگار گھڑی , Skilled Worker : ماہر کاریگر , Do Up : بننا سنورنا , Attire : بننا سنورنا , Booth : چھوٹا سا کمرہ , Forte : کسی شخص کی خاص صلاحیت , Accenting : تاکید

Useful Words Definitions

Adjourn: close at the end of a session.

Sitting: a session as of a legislature or court.

Closed Session: a session (usually of a legislative body) that is closed to the public.

Dry Run: a practice session in preparation for a public performance (as of a play or speech or concert).

Question Time: a period during a parliamentary session when members of British Parliament may ask questions of the ministers.

Tutorial: a session of intensive tuition given by a tutor to an individual or to a small number of students.

By-Election: a special election between regular elections.

Feast Of Sacrifice: on the 10th day of Dhu`l-Hijja, known as Eid al-Adha, Muslims worldwide gather in mosques to attend a special prayer service. In addition, those who are not performing the Hajj pilgrimage engage in a meaningful ritual known as Qurbani or the sacrifice of an animal. Traditionally, a sheep is sacrificed, symbolizing the redemption of Abraham`s son through God`s mercy. It is customary for at least one-third of the meat from the sacrifice to be donated to charitable causes.

Bent: a special way of doing something.

Procure: get by special effort.

Darling: a special loved one.

Bear Down: pay special attention to.

Breed: a special type.

Sas: Special Air Service.

Case: a special set of circumstances.

Especially: in a special manner.

Red-Letter: memorable for being a special occasion.

Focus: special emphasis attached to something.

Clout: special advantage or influence.

Accent: special importance or significance.

Jubilee: a special anniversary (or the celebration of it).

Arcanum: information known only to a special group.

Biochemist: someone with special training in biochemistry.

Academy: a school for special training.

Hour: a special and memorable period.

Skilled Worker: a worker who has acquired special skills.

Do Up: use special care in dressing, making-up, etc.

Attire: put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive.

Booth: small area set off by walls for special use.

Forte: an asset of special worth or utility.

Accenting: the act of giving special importance or significance to something.

Related Words

Session : اجلاس

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