Speciousness meaning in Urdu
Speciousness Sentence
Speciousness Synonym
Speciousness Definitions
1) Speciousness, Meretriciousness : فریب, نمائش, ظاہری صحت : (noun) an appearance of truth that is false or deceptive; seeming plausibility.
Useful Words
Equivocation : ٹال مٹول کرنا , Verisimilitude : احتمال , Feigning : ڈھونگ , Cloak : چھپانا , Dissimulative : منافقانہ , Artful : مکاری , Largeness : نخرے , Glibly : چرب زبانی سے , Deceptiveness : دہوکا دہی , Delusively : فریب کارانہ , Artifice : ٹال مٹول , Honest : ایماندار , Feint : چکمہ دینا , Dishonest : بدنیت , Verily : واقعی , Truthfully : سچائی کے ساتھ , Gospel : ناقابل بحث سچ , Disbelief : یقین کے بارے میں شک ہونا , Verify : تصدیق کرنا , Convincing : قائل کرنے والا , Sooth : حقیقی , Truism : مسلمہ حقیقت , Contradict : حق کی تردید کرنا , Admission : اعتراف , Affirmer : دعوی کرنے والا , Amplify : مبالغہ آرائی کرنا , Fabrication : جھوٹ بولنا , Correctness : درستگی , Veracious : سچ بولنے والا , Proof : توثیق , Incorrect : غلط
Useful Words Definitions
Equivocation: a statement that is not literally false but that cleverly avoids an unpleasant truth.
Verisimilitude: the appearance of truth; the quality of seeming to be true.
Feigning: the act of giving a false appearance.
Cloak: hide under a false appearance.
Dissimulative: concealing under a false appearance with the intent to deceive.
Artful: not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness.
Largeness: the quality of being pretentious (behaving or speaking in such a manner as to create a false appearance of great importance or worth).
Glibly: with superficial plausibility.
Deceptiveness: the quality of being deceptive.
Delusively: in a deceptive and unrealistic manner.
Artifice: a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture).
Honest: not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent.
Feint: any distracting or deceptive maneuver (as a mock attack).
Dishonest: deceptive or fraudulent; disposed to cheat or defraud or deceive.
Verily: in truth; certainly.
Truthfully: with truth.
Gospel: an unquestionable truth.
Disbelief: doubt about the truth of something.
Verify: confirm the truth of.
Convincing: causing one to believe the truth of something.
Sooth: truth or reality.
Truism: an obvious truth.
Contradict: deny the truth of.
Admission: an acknowledgment of the truth of something.
Affirmer: someone who claims to speak the truth.
Amplify: to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth.
Fabrication: the deliberate act of deviating from the truth.
Correctness: conformity to fact or truth.
Veracious: habitually speaking the truth.
Proof: the act of validating; finding or testing the truth of something.
Incorrect: not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth.