سوجن : Sujan Meaning in English
Sujan Synonyms
Sujan in Detail
1 of 6) سوجن ورم : Intumescence Intumescency : (noun) swelling up with blood or other fluids (as with congestion).
2 of 6) سوجن پھلاوٴ : Lump Puffiness Swelling : (noun) an abnormal protuberance or localized enlargement.
3 of 6) سوجن سوجا ابھرا : Bellied Bellying Bulbous Bulging Bulgy Protuberant : (satellite adjective) curving outward.
4 of 6) سوجن ورم : Tumefaction : (noun) the process of tumefying; the organic process whereby tissue becomes swollen by the accumulation of fluid within it.
6 of 6) سوجن : Strain : (noun) injury to a muscle (often caused by overuse); results in swelling and pain.
Useful Words
میٹر کا دس ارب واں حصہ : A : a metric unit of length equal to one ten billionth of a meter (or 0.0001 micron); used to specify wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.
غیر معمولی : Abnormal : not normal; not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm. "Abnormal powers of concentration".
لفنگا : Blood : a dissolute man in fashionable society. "You all are profligates".
جکڑن : Congestion : excessive accumulation of blood or other fluid in a body part. "I`m having chest congestion".
بڑی کی گئی تصویر : Blowup : a photographic print that has been enlarged.
دگرگوں : Fluid : subject to change; variable. "A fluid situation fraught with uncertainty".
قدیم دور کے متعلق : Early : belonging to the distant past. "The early inhabitants of Europe".
ابھار : Bulge : something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings. "The gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge".
پھیلاوٴ کا عمل : Intumescence : the increase in volume of certain substances when they are heated (often accompanied by release of water).
بستر سے اٹھنا : Astir : out of bed. "Are they astir yet?".