Munakis KarnaChoos LenaRoshni Se ChamaknaBujhanaDobara Jalana Y...Phir SulganaPhat ParnaAag LagnaTabanChamak UthnaAsheai Ikhraj K...DahaknaHuwa Ka Sahil K...Tez BarishTez AandheGaraj HonaJala Kar Koyla ...QabilQabil Na HonaMehwar Se Dor

تاباں : Taban Meaning in English

Taban Synonyms

Taban in Detail

1 of 4) روشن کرنا تاباں : Luminesce : (verb) be or become luminescent; exhibit luminescence.

2 of 4) تاباں چمکتا چمکیلا : Aglitter Coruscant Fulgid Glinting Glistering Glittering Glittery Scintillant Scintillating Sparkly : (satellite adjective) having brief brilliant points or flashes of light.

3 of 4) نورانی تاباں : Luminescent : (satellite adjective) emitting light not caused by heat.

4 of 4) چمکایا ہوا روشن تاباں : Bright Burnished Lustrous Shining Shiny : (satellite adjective) made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow.

Useful Words

بن جانا : Become : undergo a change or development. "What will you become when you grow up?".

خاص معلومات دینا : Brief : give essential information to someone. "The reporters were briefed about the President's plan to invade".

عمدہ : Brilliant : of surpassing excellence. "A brilliant performance".

ظاہر کرنا : Display : to show, make visible or apparent. "The Metropolitan Museum is exhibiting Goya's works this month".

آگ لگانا : Ignite : cause to start burning; subject to fire or great heat. "Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter".

روشنی : Glow : light from nonthermal sources.

نقطہ : Point : a geometric element that has position but no extension. "A point is defined by its coordinates".

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