تنگ نظری سے : Tang Nazri Se Meaning in English
Tang Nazri Se Synonyms
Tang Nazri Se in Detail
1 of 3) تنگ نظری سے بخل سے تنگ خیالی سے : Illiberally Intolerantly : (adverb) in a narrow-minded manner.
2 of 3) غیر مہذب طریقے سے تنگ نظری سے : Basely Meanly Scurvily : (adverb) in a despicable, ignoble manner.
3 of 3) تنگ نظری سے : Narrow-Mindedly Small-Mindedly : (adverb) in a narrow-minded manner.
Useful Words
بدتمیز : Ignoble : not of the nobility. "Of ignoble (or ungentle) birth".
ڈھنگ : Manner : a way of acting or behaving. "They don`t have any manners to speak ?".
ذہن رجحان : Minded : (used in combination) mentally oriented toward something specified. "Civic-minded".
تنگ ہونا : Contract : make or become more narrow or restricted. "The selection was narrowed".