تار : Tar Meaning in English
Tar Synonyms
Tar in Detail
1 of 8) تار ریشہ : Fiber Fibre : (noun) a slender and greatly elongated substance capable of being spun into yarn.
3 of 8) تار : Cable Line Transmission Line : (noun) a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power.
4 of 8) تنا رسا تار : Tightrope : (noun) tightly stretched rope or wire on which acrobats perform high above the ground.
6 of 8) تار : Wire : (noun) ligament made of metal and used to fasten things or make cages or fences etc.
7 of 8) تار : Conducting Wire Wire : (noun) a metal conductor that carries electricity over a distance.
8 of 8) تار فیتہ : String : (noun) a tightly stretched cord of wire or gut, which makes sound when plucked, struck, or bowed.
Useful Words
قابل : Capable : (usually followed by `of`) having capacity or ability. "You guys let Imran drive He is capable in driving in hilly area".
لمبا : Elongate : having notably more length than width; being long and slender. "An elongate tail tapering to a point".
آسانی سے مڑنے والا : Lissom : moving and bending with ease. "A lissom dancer".
کچھ کچھ : More Or Less : to a small degree or extent. "A girl wanted to talk to me on the phone, she contacted me but she was not so pretty so I said to her I am slightly busy and I will get back to you".
مادہ : Substance : the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists. "DNA is the substance of our genes".
بھیگنا : Wet : cause to become wet. "I got wet in the rain".
روداد : Narration : the act of giving an account describing incidents or a course of events. "His narration was hesitant".