تیز : Tez Meaning in English
Tez Sentences
Tez Synonyms
Tez in Detail
2 of 11) تلخ ذائقہ ترش تیز : Acid Acidic Acidulent Acidulous : (satellite adjective) being sour to the taste.
3 of 11) تیز فوری جلدی : Quick Speedy : (satellite adjective) accomplished rapidly and without delay.
5 of 11) پر جوش تیز سختی : Searching Trenchant : (satellite adjective) having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect.
7 of 11) تیز : Accelerated : (satellite adjective) speeded up, as of an academic course.
Useful Words
روزہ : Fast : abstaining from food. "It will come to know in fast".
بدبودار : Rancid : smelling of fermentation or staleness. "The milk from which you made the tea may have expired because the tea tastes sour".
مزا : Gustatory Perception : the sensation that results when taste buds in the tongue and throat convey information about the chemical composition of a soluble stimulus. "Why do you drink so much alcohol, it tastes bad and your mouth stinks as well".
تال : Pacing : (music) the speed at which a composition is to be played.