Tollbar Toll Road Toll Bridge Toll Toleration Tolerate Tolerantly Tolerant Tollbooth Toller Tollgate Tollhouse Tollon Tolmiea Menziesii Tom Tom Thumb Tom Turkey Tomahawk Tomato Tomato Fruitworm

Tollbooth meaning in Urdu

Tollbooth Synonyms

Tollbooth Definitions

1) Tollbooth, Tolbooth, Tollhouse : محصول خانہ : (noun) a booth at a tollgate where the toll collector collects tolls.


Useful Words

Tollbar : پھاٹک جہاں محصول لیا جاۓ , Toll Road : شاہراہ جس پر سے گزرنے کا محصول لیا جاۓ , Toll Bridge : محصول پل , Call Box : فون کرنے کی جگہ , Sales Booth : سٹال , Baqai Medical University : بقائی میڈیکل یونیورسٹی , Voting Booth : وہ جگہ جہاں کوئی شخص اپنا ووٹ ڈال سکے , Antiquarian : ماہر عتیقیات , Conchologist : خول کار , Coin Collector : سکے جمع کرنے والا , Philatelist : ٹکٹ جمع کروانے والا , Bibliophile : کتابیں جمع کرنے کا شوقین , Collector Of Internal Revenue : ٹیکس جمع کرنے والا , Aggregator : جمع کرنے والا , Magpie : بھنگی , Croupier : جواریوں کا خزانچی , Conductor : وہ آدمی جو کرایہ جمع کرے , Gutter : نالی , Census Taker : شمار کنندہ , News Agency : خبررساں ادارہ , Abraham Lincoln : ابراہیم لنکن , Acquirer : اے ٹی ایم مشین فراہم کرنے والا ادارہ , Booth : چھوٹا سا کمرہ , Accumulate : جمع کرنا , Accumulator : جمع کرنے والا , Toll : پل یا سڑک پر سے گزرنے کا معاوضہ

Useful Words Definitions

Tollbar: a gate or bar across a toll bridge or toll road which is lifted when the toll is paid.

Toll Road: an expressway on which tolls are collected.

Toll Bridge: a bridge where toll is charged for crossing.

Call Box: booth for using a telephone.

Sales Booth: a booth where articles are displayed for sale.

Baqai Medical University: Provides medical related education, location is 51, Deh Tor, Gadap road, near Toll plaza, super highway Karachi.

Voting Booth: a booth in which a person can cast a private vote.

Antiquarian: an expert or collector of antiquities.

Conchologist: a collector and student of mollusc shells.

Coin Collector: a collector and student of money (and coins in particular).

Philatelist: a collector and student of postage stamps.

Bibliophile: someone who loves (and usually collects) books.

Collector Of Internal Revenue: someone who collects taxes for the government.

Aggregator: a person who collects things.

Magpie: someone who collects things that have been discarded by others.

Croupier: someone who collects and pays bets at a gaming table.

Conductor: the person who collects fares on a public conveyance.

Gutter: a channel along the eaves or on the roof; collects and carries away rainwater.

Census Taker: someone who collects census data by visiting individual homes.

News Agency: an agency to collects news reports for newspapers and distributes it electronically.

Abraham Lincoln: 16th President of the United States; saved the Union during the American Civil War and emancipated the slaves; was assassinated by Booth (1809-1865).

Acquirer: the financial institution that dispenses cash in automated teller machines and collects a fee from the bank that issued the credit card.

Booth: small area set off by walls for special use.

Accumulate: get or gather together.

Accumulator: a person who is employed to collect payments (as for rent or taxes).

Toll: a fee levied for the use of roads or bridges (used for maintenance).

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