Sanjidgi Se Dee...Naqsha BananaTarkeeb BananaTar Teeb Mein LanaMansuba Bandi K...Tay KarnaIrada RakhnaCahsham Poosh K...Umeed KarnaTaluq BananaRabt BananaBarabari Ka Tal...Juda KardenaSarahat Se Baya...Saaf Saaf Bayaa...Wazahat KarnaLazmi HonaZaruri HonaRad E Amal Zahi...Rad E Amal Dena

امید کرنا : Umeed Karna Meaning in English

Umeed Karna Sentences

Umeed Karna Synonyms


Umeed Karna in Detail

1 of 4) امید کرنا کاش : Wish : (verb) hope for; have a wish.

2 of 4) امید کرنا توقع کرنا : Ask Expect Require : (verb) consider obligatory; request and expect.

4 of 4) منتظر ہونا توقع کرنا امید کرنا : Await Expect Look Wait : (verb) look forward to the probable occurrence of.

Useful Words

سمجھنا : Consider : deem to be. "I consider you as my sister".

توقع کرنا : Anticipate : regard something as probable or likely. "The meteorologists are expecting rain for tomorrow".

استعمال کرنا : Consume : serve oneself to, or consume regularly. "Have another bowl of chicken soup!".

آس : Hope : a specific instance of feeling hopeful. "He is hoping".

فرض : Obligatory : morally or legally constraining or binding. "Obligatory Prayers".

طلب کرنا : Bespeak : express the need or desire for; ask for. "She requested an extra bed in her room".

چاہت : Want : a specific feeling of desire. "Who wished?".

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