Unauthorized Unauthorised Unau Unattractiveness Unattractive Unattired Unattended Unattackable Unauthorized Ab... Unavailability Unavailable Unavailing Unavoidability Unavoidable Unavoidable Cas... Unavoidably Unavowed Unaware Unawareness Unawares

Unauthorized Absence meaning in Urdu

Unauthorized Absence Synonym

Unauthorized Absence Definitions


Useful Words

Asystole : حرکت قلب بند ہوجانا , Quiet : آواز کی غیر موجودگی , Acorea : آنکھ کی پتلی نہ ہونا , Vacuity : خلا , Peace : صلح , Black : تاریکی , Apathy : مردہ دلی , Absenteeism : کام سے اکثر غائب رہنے کی عادت , Coldheartedness : خود غرضی , Silent : خاموش , Dark : اندھیرا , Regret : افسوس کرنا , Ataraxis : چین , Revenant : واپس آ جانے والا شخص , Adynamic : ضعف , 0 : صفر , Acephalia : سر کٹا , Dissimilitude : عدم مشابہت , Unfriendliness : بے مروتی , Kangaroo Court : جعلی عدالت , Clone : نقل , Achylia : صفراء کی عدم موجودگی , Emotionlessness : بے حسی , Analgesia : درد کا احساس نہ ہونا , Anaerobic : ہوا کے بغیر زندہ رہنے والا , Amenia : حیض کی نکاسی نہ ہو نا , Easiness : سکون محسوس کرنا , Aridity : سوکھا پن , Kleptomania : چوری کرنا , Regent : حاکم کی غیر موجودگی میں سلطنت سنبھالنے والا , Kleptomaniac : خبطی چور

Useful Words Definitions

Asystole: absence of systole; failure of the ventricles of the heart to contract (usually caused by ventricular fibrillation) with consequent absence of the heart beat leading to oxygen lack and eventually to death.

Quiet: the absence of sound.

Acorea: absence of the pupil in an eye.

Vacuity: the absence of matter.

Peace: the state prevailing during the absence of war.

Black: total absence of light.

Apathy: an absence of emotion or enthusiasm.

Absenteeism: habitual absence from work.

Coldheartedness: an absence of concern for the welfare of others.

Silent: marked by absence of sound.

Dark: absence of light or illumination.

Regret: feel sad about the loss or absence of.

Ataraxis: the absence of mental stress or anxiety.

Revenant: a person who returns after a lengthy absence.

Adynamic: characterized by an absence of force or forcefulness.

0: indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration.

Acephalia: absence of the head (as in the development of some monsters).

Dissimilitude: dissimilarity evidenced by an absence of likeness.

Unfriendliness: dislike experienced as an absence of friendliness.

Kangaroo Court: an irregular unauthorized court.

Clone: an unauthorized copy or imitation.

Achylia: absence of gastric juices (partial or complete).

Emotionlessness: apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions.

Analgesia: absence of the sense of pain without loss of consciousness.

Anaerobic: living or active in the absence of free oxygen.

Amenia: absence or suppression of normal menstrual flow.

Easiness: a feeling of refreshing tranquility and an absence of tension or worry.

Aridity: a deficiency of moisture (especially when resulting from a permanent absence of rainfall).

Kleptomania: an irresistible impulse to steal in the absence of any economic motive.

Regent: someone who rules during the absence or incapacity or minority of the country's monarch.

Kleptomaniac: someone with an irrational urge to steal in the absence of an economic motive.

Related Words

Abandonment : فرض سے دست برداری , Armed Forces : کسی قوم کی فوج

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