Unthought-Of Unthought Unthinkingly Unthinking Unthinkable Unthaw Unthankful Untested Unthoughtful Unthreatening Untidily Untidiness Untidy Untie Untied Untier Until Now Untimeliness Untimely Untired

Unthoughtful meaning in Urdu

Unthoughtful Synonyms

Unthoughtful Definitions

1) Unthoughtful, Unreflective, Unthinking : نہ سوچنے والا : (satellite adjective) not exhibiting or characterized by careful thought.


Useful Words

Thoughtful : غور و فکر کے ساتھ , Thoughtless : بے فکر , Consideration : غورو فکر , Selective : انتخابی , Brainish : بے سمجھے , Instinctive : بلا سوچے سمجھے , Confusedness : ذہنی الجھاو , Automatic : مشین کی طرح , Dementia Praecox : بلاہت متبادرہ , Ascertain : پتا لگانا , Advisement : مشاورت , Look After : نگرانی کرنا , Thrifty : کفایت شعار , Exploration : تلاش , Consider : سوچنا , Take Care : احتیاط کرنا , Look Out : ہوشیار ہونا , Advertently : توجہ سے , Carefulness : احتیاط , Cautious : محتاط , Exhibition : نمائش , In Large Quantities : بڑے پیمانے پر , Carelessness : لا پروائی , Ill-Advised : نامناسب , Prudent : ہوشیار , Observation : مشاہدہ , Big : شیخی خورا , Polychromatic : رنگ بھرنگا , Scrutiniser : جانچ پرتال کرنا , Advised : سوچا سمجھا , Courteous : خوش خلق

Useful Words Definitions

Thoughtful: exhibiting or characterized by careful thought.

Thoughtless: showing lack of careful thought.

Consideration: the process of giving careful thought to something.

Selective: tending to select; characterized by careful choice.

Brainish: characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation.

Instinctive: unthinking; prompted by (or as if by) instinct.

Confusedness: a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior.

Automatic: resembling the unthinking functioning of a machine.

Dementia Praecox: any of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and language and withdrawal from social contact.

Ascertain: be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something.

Advisement: careful consideration.

Look After: keep under careful scrutiny.

Thrifty: careful and diligent in the use of resources.

Exploration: a careful systematic search.

Consider: give careful consideration to.

Take Care: be careful, prudent, or watchful.

Look Out: be vigilant, be on the lookout or be careful.

Advertently: in a careful deliberate manner.

Carefulness: the quality of being careful and painstaking.

Cautious: showing careful forethought.

Exhibition: the act of exhibiting.

In Large Quantities: on a large scale without careful discrimination.

Carelessness: the quality of not being careful or taking pains.

Ill-Advised: without careful prior deliberation or counsel.

Prudent: careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment.

Observation: a remark expressing careful consideration.

Big: exhibiting self-importance.

Polychromatic: having or exhibiting many colors.

Scrutiniser: a careful examiner; someone who inspects with great care.

Advised: having the benefit of careful prior consideration or counsel.

Courteous: exhibiting courtesy and politeness.

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