اُپر اٹھنا : Uper Uthna Meaning in English
Uper Uthna in Detail
1 of 2) موج کی طرح بلند ہرنا اپر اٹھنا : Billow Wallow : (verb) rise up as if in waves.
2 of 2) اوپر اٹھنا : Push Up Thrust : (verb) push upward.
Useful Words
میٹر کا دس ارب واں حصہ : A : a metric unit of length equal to one ten billionth of a meter (or 0.0001 micron); used to specify wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.
اگر : If : On the condition that. "Even if it fell off".
دھکا دینا : Force : move with force. "He threw him on the floor and sat on his stomach to shoot him, but he grabbed the gun with one hand and pushed the assailant with the other, saved his life and flee".
اٹھنا : Arise : move upward. "The fog lifted".
بستر سے اٹھنا : Astir : out of bed. "Are they astir yet?".
اوپر کی طرف : Upward : directed up. "The cards were face upward".