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Push Up meaning in Urdu

Push Up Synonym

Push Up Definitions

1 of 2) Push Up : ایک جسمانی ورزش : (verb) an exercise which is performed by using both hands.


2 of 2) Push Up, Thrust : اوپر اٹھنا : (verb) push upward.

Useful Words

Advocate : سفارش کرنا , Nudge : ہلکے سے مارنا , Bull : دھونس جمانا , Shove : دھکہ دینا , Elbow : کہنی مار کر ہٹانا , Boost Up : اٹھانا , Jam : دبانا , Boost : دھکا , Shove : دھکہ , Airplane Propeller : ہوائی جہاز کا پنکھا , Jog : جھٹکا , Jog : ہلکے سے دھکیلنا , Drive : ٹہوکنا , Propeller : آگے بڑھنے والا آلہ , Avidity : تمنا , Screw : ہوا کش پنکھا , Panic Button : ہنگامی صورت حال میں مدد کے لئے دبایا جانے والا بٹن , Bell : گھنٹی , Towboat : کھینچنے والی کشتی , Straddle : ٹانگیں پھیلانا , Chin-Up : بازوں کی طاقت سے کی جانے والی ایک ورزش , Skank : رقص کا ایک خاص انداز , Exsert : باہر نکالنا , Immerse : ڈبونا , Intrude : خلل ڈالنا , Dig : چبھانا , Bunt : ٹکر مارنا , Crash : مارنا , Mop : منہ بنانا , Protrusible : ابھرنے کے قابل , Crowd Out : نکال باہر کرنا

Useful Words Definitions

Advocate: push for something.

Nudge: to push against gently.

Bull: push or force.

Shove: push roughly.

Elbow: push one's way with the elbows.

Boost Up: push upward.

Jam: push down forcibly.

Boost: the act of giving a push.

Shove: the act of shoving (giving a push to someone or something).

Airplane Propeller: a propeller that rotates to push against air.

Jog: a slight push or shake.

Jog: give a slight push to.

Drive: push, propel, or press with force.

Propeller: a mechanical device that rotates to push against air or water.

Avidity: a positive feeling of wanting to push ahead with something.

Screw: a propeller with several angled blades that rotates to push against water or air.

Panic Button: a button to push in order to summon help in case of an emergency.

Bell: a push button at an outer door that gives a ringing or buzzing signal when pushed.

Towboat: a powerful small boat designed to pull or push larger ships.

Straddle: a gymnastic exercise performed with a leg on either side of the parallel bars.

Chin-Up: an arm exercise performed by pulling yourself up on a horizontal bar until your chin is level with the bar.

Skank: a rhythmic dance to reggae music performed by bending forward and extending the hands while bending the knees.

Exsert: thrust or extend out.

Immerse: thrust or throw into.

Intrude: thrust oneself in as if by force.

Dig: poke or thrust abruptly.

Bunt: to strike, thrust or shove against.

Crash: hurl or thrust violently.

Mop: make a sad face and thrust out one`s lower lip.

Protrusible: capable of being thrust forward, as the tongue.

Crowd Out: press, force, or thrust out of a small space.

Related Words

Force : دھکا دینا , Jut : آگے کو نکالنا

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