Verily Verifying Verify Verifier Verified Verificatory Verification Verifiable Verisimilar Verisimilitude Veritable Verity Vermicelli Vermicide Vermicular Vermiculate Vermiculated Vermiform Vermiform Appendix Vermiform Process

Verisimilar meaning in Urdu

Verisimilar Sentence

A verisimilar tale.

Verisimilar Definitions

1) Verisimilar : بظاہر صحیح : (satellite adjective) appearing to be true or real.


Useful Words

Likely : ممکنہ , Assumptive : مفروضاتی , Believe : یقین کرنا , Apparent : بظاہر , Monochromatic : یک لونی , Reappearance : دوبارہ ظاہر ہونے کا عمل , Above : مذکورشدہ , Apparition : ظہور , Inevitable : ناگزیر , Inquisitive : کھوجی , Looking : دیکھنا , Canonic : کلیسائی , Precocious : وقت سے پہلے , Casual : اتفاقی , Crop : اجتماع , Credible : معتبر , Breathless : بے جان , Busyness : مصروفیت , Print : چھپا , Malevolent : بدخواہ , Out : باہر نکلنا , Classified : زمرہ بند اشتہارات , Common Touch : مشترک خصوصیت , Milline : اشتہاری جگہ کی پیمائشی اکائی , Rd : کھرا سودا , Scene : منظر , Reify : حقیقت سمجھنا , Absolute Value : مطلق قیمت , Fruition : پھل , Devise : وصیت , Realism : حقیقت

Useful Words Definitions

Likely: likely but not certain to be or become true or real.

Assumptive: accepted as real or true without proof.

Believe: accept as true; take to be true.

Apparent: appearing as such but not necessarily so.

Monochromatic: having or appearing to have only one color.

Reappearance: the event of something appearing again.

Above: appearing earlier in the same text.

Apparition: a ghostly appearing figure.

Inevitable: invariably occurring or appearing.

Inquisitive: inquiring or appearing to inquire.

Looking: appearing to be as specified; usually used as combining forms.

Canonic: appearing in a biblical canon.

Precocious: appearing or developing early.

Casual: occurring or appearing or singled out by chance.

Crop: a collection of people or things appearing together.

Credible: appearing to merit belief or acceptance.

Breathless: appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse.

Busyness: the state of being or appearing to be actively engaged in an activity.

Print: the text appearing in a book, newspaper, or other printed publication.

Malevolent: wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; arising from intense ill will or hatred.

Out: moving or appearing to move away from a place, especially one that is enclosed or hidden.

Classified: a short ad in a newspaper or magazine (usually in small print) and appearing along with other ads of the same type.

Common Touch: the property of appealing to people in general (usually by appearing to have qualities in common with them).

Milline: an advertising measure; one agate line appearing in one million copies of a publication.

Rd: Real Deal.

Scene: an incident (real or imaginary).

Reify: consider an abstract concept to be real.

Absolute Value: a real number regardless of its sign.

Fruition: something that is made real or concrete.

Devise: a will disposing of real property.

Realism: the state of being actual or real.
