Warder Wardenship Warden Ward Off Ward Warburg Warble War-Ridden Wardress Wardrobe Ware Warehouse Warehouseman Warehouser Warehousing Warfare Warhead Warhorse Warily Wariness

Wardress meaning in Urdu

Wardress Definitions

1) Wardress : قیدیوں کی عورت نگران : (noun) a woman warder.


Useful Words

Matron : زنانہ جیل کی نگراں خاتون , Courting : محبت , Divorcee : مطلقہ , Feminine : عورتوں کا , Granny : بوڑھی عورت , Jewess : یہودی عورت , Old Woman : بوڑھی عورت , Landlady : خاتون مالک مکان , Sorceress : جادوگرنی , Ex : سابقہ شوہر , Prophetess : نبیہ , Adulteress : زانیہ , Authoress : مصنفہ , Headmistress : اسکول کی ناظمہ , Dame : اعلی خاتون , Proprietress : حقیت دار عورت , Suer : لڑکی پٹانے والا , Fille : لڑکی , Dulcinea : محبوبہ , Procuress : دلالہ , Taskmistress : مشقت گیرنی , Career Girl : روزگار کے لیے ہر چیز قربان کرنے والی لڑکی , Fancy Man : آشنا , Gravida : حاملہ عورت , Waitress : ملازمہ , Ancestress : دادی پر دادی , Millionairess : دس لاکھ سے زیادہ دولت کی مالک , Polyandrist : ایک سے زیادہ شوہروں والی عورت , Murderess : قاتل عورت , Unfeminine : عورتوں کے لئے نامناسب , Huntress : شکار کرنے والی عورت

Useful Words Definitions

Matron: a wardress in a prison.

Courting: a man's courting of a woman; seeking the affections of a woman (usually with the hope of marriage).

Divorcee: a divorced woman or a woman who is separated from her husband.

Feminine: befitting or characteristic of a woman especially a mature woman.

Granny: an old woman.

Jewess: a woman who is a Jew.

Old Woman: a woman who is old.

Landlady: a landlord who is a woman.

Sorceress: a woman sorcerer.

Ex: a man who was formerly a certain woman's husband.

Prophetess: a woman prophet.

Adulteress: a woman adulterer.

Authoress: a woman author.

Headmistress: a woman headmaster.

Dame: a woman of refinement.

Proprietress: a woman proprietor.

Suer: a man who courts a woman.

Fille: a young woman.

Dulcinea: a woman who is a man`s sweetheart.

Procuress: a woman pimp.

Taskmistress: a woman taskmaster.

Career Girl: a woman who is a careerist.

Fancy Man: a woman`s lover.

Gravida: a pregnant woman.

Waitress: a woman waiter.

Ancestress: a woman ancestor.

Millionairess: a woman millionaire.

Polyandrist: a woman with two or more husbands.

Murderess: a woman murderer.

Unfeminine: not suitable for a woman.

Huntress: a woman hunter.

Related Words

Warder : قیدیوں کا نگران

پاکیزہ عورت