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ضبطِ نفس : Zabt E Nafs Meaning in English

Zabt E Nafs Synonyms

Zabt E Nafs in Detail

1 of 3) ضبط نفس اطمینان سکون : Aplomb Assuredness Cool Poise Sang-Froid : (noun) great coolness and composure under strain.

2 of 3) ضبط نفس : Ascesis Asceticism : (noun) rigorous self-denial and active self-restraint.

3 of 3) ضبط نفس مباشرت سے پرہیز : Continence Continency : (noun) the exercise of self constraint in sexual matters.

Useful Words

فعال : Active : in operation. "Keep hope alive".

سکون : Calm : steadiness of mind under stress. "The two Scottish men went to an elevator in Scotland with voice recognition technology but they put it in a British accent, they both kept telling the floor number but the operator kept say say it in a clear and calm manner because they were Scottish and technology was invented by British".

اطمینان : Coolness : calm and unruffled self-assurance. "He performed with all the coolness of a veteran".

تردید کرنا : Denial : the act of refusing to comply (as with a request). "It resulted in a complete denial of his privileges".

چٹخنے کی آواز : Bang-Up : a sudden sharp noise. "Stop Cracking Your Knuckles".

ممانعت : Restraint : the act of controlling by restraining someone or something. "The unlawful restraint of trade".

اپنی ذات : Self : (used as a combining form) relating to--of or by or to or from or for--the self. "Self-knowledge".

زور ڈالنا : Extend : use to the utmost; exert vigorously or to full capacity. "Don`t strain your mind so much ok or else you could be ill and you will visit doctor".

نیچے کی شے : Nether : located below or beneath something else. "We are one under the shadow of this flag".

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