ضِدی : Zaddi Meaning in English
Zaddi Sentences
Zaddi Synonyms
Zaddi in Detail
1 of 7) ضدی ڈھیٹ : Obstinate Stubborn Unregenerate : (adjective) tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield.
3 of 7) ہٹ دھرم ضدی سنگ دل : Flint Flinty Granitic Obdurate Stony : (satellite adjective) showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings.
4 of 7) بدکار ضدی : Cussed Obdurate Obstinate Unrepentant : (satellite adjective) stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing.
5 of 7) اڑیل ضدی : Hardheaded Mulish : (satellite adjective) unreasonably rigid in the face of argument or entreaty or attack.
6 of 7) ضدی سرکش نافرمان : Fractious Recalcitrant Refractory : (satellite adjective) stubbornly resistant to authority or control.
7 of 7) ضدی ڈھیٹ نافرمان : Contumacious : (satellite adjective) wilfully obstinate; stubbornly disobedient.
Useful Words
احساس : Feeling : the experiencing of affective and emotional states. "No feeling no mercy".
نمایاں : Marked : strongly marked; easily noticeable. "Walked with a marked limp".
مزاحمت : Opposition : the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with. "He encountered a general feeling of resistance from many citizens".
فلم کی نمائش : Screening : the display of a motion picture. "Latest screening movies 2023".
ڈھٹائی سے : Doggedly : with obstinate determination. "He pursued her doggedly".
محبت بھرا : Tender : given to sympathy or gentleness or sentimentality. "A tender smile".
احساس سے خالی : Hardhearted : devoid of feeling for others. "An unfeeling wretch".
ناخوشی : Involuntariness : the trait of being unwilling. "His unwillingness to cooperate vetoed every proposal I made".
دینا : Afford : be the cause or source of. "Who do I give?".