According meaning in Urdu
According Sentence
According Definitions
1 of 2) According : مطابق : (satellite adjective) (followed by `to`) in agreement with or accordant with.
According to instructions.
To live in Europe you will have to live according to European rules and regulations.
2 of 2) According : مطابق : (satellite adjective) (followed by `to') as reported or stated by.
According to historians.
Useful Words
Condition : بیان کرنا , See Eye To Eye : کسی سے اتفاق کرنا , Discrepant : متضاد , Consentaneous : متفقہ , Agree : متفق ہونا , Pursuant : اتفاق پذیر , Conclude : طے کرنا , Hereunder : اس کے مطابق , Concert : طے کرنا , Community : مشترکہ مفاد , Accordant : موافق , Concord : اتحاد , Infringement : حق تلفی , Collusion : ملی بھگت , Accede : مان لینا , Contract : معاہدہ کرنا , Agree : ایک دوسرے سے اتفاق کرنا , Collusion : خفیہ سازش , And How : بالکل , Consistent : مطابق , Concurrence : اتفاق رائے , Convention : معاہدہ , Acquiescence : رضا مندی , Discord : اختلاف , Assentient : رضا مندی ظاہر کرتا , Accord : معاہدہ , Tacitly : کچھ کہے بغیر , Dialogue : مذاکرات , Agreed Upon : متفقہ طور پر منظور شدہ , Concert : باہمی اتفاق سے منصوبہ بنانا , Contract : میثاق
Useful Words Definitions
Condition: specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement.
See Eye To Eye: be in agreement.
Discrepant: not in agreement.
Consentaneous: in complete agreement.
Agree: be in accord; be in agreement.
Pursuant: (followed by `to') in conformance to or agreement with.
Conclude: reach agreement on.
Hereunder: under the terms of this agreement.
Concert: settle by agreement.
Community: agreement as to goals.
Accordant: being in agreement or harmony; often followed by `with'.
Concord: agreement of opinions.
Infringement: an act that disregards an agreement or a right.
Collusion: secret agreement.
Accede: to agree or express agreement.
Contract: engage by written agreement.
Agree: show grammatical agreement.
Collusion: agreement on a secret plot.
And How: an expression of emphatic agreement.
Consistent: (sometimes followed by `with`) in agreement or consistent or reliable.
Concurrence: agreement of results or opinions.
Convention: (diplomacy) an international agreement.
Acquiescence: agreement with a statement or proposal to do something.
Discord: lack of agreement or harmony.
Assentient: expressing agreement or consent.
Accord: a written agreement between two states or sovereigns.
Tacitly: in a tacit manner; by unexpressed agreement.
Dialogue: a discussion intended to produce an agreement.
Agreed Upon: constituted or contracted by stipulation or agreement.
Concert: contrive (a plan) by mutual agreement.
Contract: a binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law.