Accordant Accordance Of R... Accordance Accord And Sati... Accord Accomplishment Accomplished Fact Accomplished According Accordingly Accordion Accordion Door Accordionist Accost Accouchement Accoucheur Accoucheuse Account Account Book Account Executive

According meaning in Urdu

According Sentence

According Definitions

1 of 2) According : مطابق : (satellite adjective) (followed by `to`) in agreement with or accordant with.

According to instructions.
To live in Europe you will have to live according to European rules and regulations.


2 of 2) According : مطابق : (satellite adjective) (followed by `to') as reported or stated by.

According to historians.

Useful Words

Condition : بیان کرنا , See Eye To Eye : کسی سے اتفاق کرنا , Discrepant : متضاد , Consentaneous : متفقہ , Agree : متفق ہونا , Pursuant : اتفاق پذیر , Conclude : طے کرنا , Hereunder : اس کے مطابق , Concert : طے کرنا , Community : مشترکہ مفاد , Accordant : موافق , Concord : اتحاد , Infringement : حق تلفی , Collusion : ملی بھگت , Accede : مان لینا , Contract : معاہدہ کرنا , Agree : ایک دوسرے سے اتفاق کرنا , Collusion : خفیہ سازش , And How : بالکل , Consistent : مطابق , Concurrence : اتفاق رائے , Convention : معاہدہ , Acquiescence : رضا مندی , Discord : اختلاف , Assentient : رضا مندی ظاہر کرتا , Accord : معاہدہ , Tacitly : کچھ کہے بغیر , Dialogue : مذاکرات , Agreed Upon : متفقہ طور پر منظور شدہ , Concert : باہمی اتفاق سے منصوبہ بنانا , Contract : میثاق

Useful Words Definitions

Condition: specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement.

See Eye To Eye: be in agreement.

Discrepant: not in agreement.

Consentaneous: in complete agreement.

Agree: be in accord; be in agreement.

Pursuant: (followed by `to') in conformance to or agreement with.

Conclude: reach agreement on.

Hereunder: under the terms of this agreement.

Concert: settle by agreement.

Community: agreement as to goals.

Accordant: being in agreement or harmony; often followed by `with'.

Concord: agreement of opinions.

Infringement: an act that disregards an agreement or a right.

Collusion: secret agreement.

Accede: to agree or express agreement.

Contract: engage by written agreement.

Agree: show grammatical agreement.

Collusion: agreement on a secret plot.

And How: an expression of emphatic agreement.

Consistent: (sometimes followed by `with`) in agreement or consistent or reliable.

Concurrence: agreement of results or opinions.

Convention: (diplomacy) an international agreement.

Acquiescence: agreement with a statement or proposal to do something.

Discord: lack of agreement or harmony.

Assentient: expressing agreement or consent.

Accord: a written agreement between two states or sovereigns.

Tacitly: in a tacit manner; by unexpressed agreement.

Dialogue: a discussion intended to produce an agreement.

Agreed Upon: constituted or contracted by stipulation or agreement.

Concert: contrive (a plan) by mutual agreement.

Contract: a binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law.

یہ تمہیں پہلے سوچنا چاہیے تھا