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Botch meaning in Urdu

Botch Sentence

You have botched up the meat.

Botch Synonyms


Botch Definitions

1 of 2) Botch, Bloomer, Blooper, Blunder, Boner, Boo-Boo, Bungle, Flub, Foul-Up, Fuckup, Pratfall : غلطی, فاش غلطی : (noun) an embarrassing mistake.

2 of 2) Botch, Ball Up, Blow, Bobble, Bodge, Bollix, Bollix Up, Bollocks, Bollocks Up, Botch Up, Bumble, Bungle, Flub, Fluff, Foul Up, Fuck Up, Fumble, Louse Up, Mess Up, Mishandle, Muck Up, Muff, Screw Up, Spoil : ستیاناس کر دینا, بیڑا غرق کردینا : (verb) make a mess of, destroy or ruin.

Don`t botch up.
I botched the dinner and we had to eat out.

Useful Words

Misstep : غلط قدم , Bull : سنگین غلطی , Fluff : غلطی , Spectacle : اپنا مذاق بنوانا , Pin Down : پھنسانا , Blackmailer : بھتہ خور , Betise : احمقانہ حرکت , Confound : غلط پہچان کرنا , Miscalculation : حساب میں غلطی ہونا , Misstatement : جھوٹا بیان , Unmistakably : بلا مغالطہ , Admonisher : انتباہ کرنے والا , Chastening : سرزنش , Err : غلطی کرنا , Omission : بھول , Forgiveness : بخشنا , Lapse : خطا , Distortion : غلط بیانی , Slip Of The Tongue : لفظ جو غلط ادا ہوجاۓ , Blunder : حماقت کرنا , Correction : تصحیح , Erratum : غلط چھپائی , Forfeit : صدقہ , Miscue : چھوٹی غلطی , Offside : فٹ بال اور دوسرے کھیلوں کا ایک اصول , Destroy : تباہ کردینا , Embarrassing : شرمندگی , Do : ڈزائن کرنا , Fix : مصیبت , Error : خطا , Ruin : تباہی

Useful Words Definitions

Misstep: an unintentional but embarrassing blunder.

Bull: a serious and ludicrous blunder.

Fluff: a blunder (especially an actor's forgetting the lines).

Spectacle: a blunder that makes you look ridiculous; used in the phrase `make a spectacle of' yourself.

Pin Down: place in a confining or embarrassing position.

Blackmailer: a criminal who extorts money from someone by threatening to expose embarrassing information about them.

Betise: a stupid mistake.

Confound: mistake one thing for another.

Miscalculation: a mistake in calculating.

Misstatement: a statement that contains a mistake.

Unmistakably: without possibility of mistake.

Admonisher: someone who gives a warning so that a mistake can be avoided.

Chastening: a rebuke for making a mistake.

Err: to make a mistake or be incorrect.

Omission: a mistake resulting from neglect.

Forgiveness: the act of excusing a mistake or offense.

Lapse: a mistake resulting from inattention.

Distortion: the mistake of misrepresenting the facts.

Slip Of The Tongue: an accidental and usually trivial mistake in speaking.

Blunder: commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake.

Correction: the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake; setting right.

Erratum: a mistake in printed matter resulting from mechanical failures of some kind.

Forfeit: the act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc.

Miscue: a minor inadvertent mistake usually observed in speech or writing or in small accidents or memory lapses etc.

Offside: (sport) the mistake of occupying an illegal position on the playing field (in football, soccer, ice hockey, field hockey, etc.).

Destroy: do away with, cause the destruction or undoing of.

Embarrassing: causing to feel shame or chagrin or vexation.

Do: create or design, often in a certain way.

Fix: informal terms for a difficult situation.

Error: a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention.

Ruin: an irrecoverable state of devastation and destruction.

Related Words

Fumble : کھیل میں بال چھوڑنا , Faux Pas : بے تکی بات یا عمل , Fail : ناکام ہونا

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