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Chervil meaning in Urdu

Chervil Synonyms

Chervil Definitions

1) Chervil, Anthriscus Cereifolium, Beaked Parsley : مہک دار پودا : (noun) aromatic annual Old World herb cultivated for its finely divided and often curly leaves for use especially in soups and salads.


Useful Words

Parsley : دھنیا , Common Basil : میٹھی تلسی کا پودا , Abelmoschus Esculentus : بھنڈی کا پودا , Anethum Graveolens : سویا , Ambrosia Artemisiifolia : چولائی جیسا پودا , Glycine Max : سویابین , Common Lettuce : سلاد کا پودا , Apium Graveolens Dulce : پترسیلی , Common Horehound : خوشبودار پھولوں والی جڑی بوٹی , Fenugreek : میتھی , Common Morning Glory : نیلوفرکا پودا , Beet : چقندر , Lavender : اسطخودوس , Common Sage : گل مریم , Hibiscus Sabdariffa : کھٹی جڑی بوٹی , Dolichos Biflorus : كلتھی کی دال , Black-Eyed Susan : گھنٹے بھر کا پھول , Ginseng : خوشبو دار جڑ والی چینی جری بوٹی , Hyssop : ایک قسم کا پودا , Golden Buttons : لونگ , Artemisia Vulgaris : برنجاسف جڑی بوٹی , Chinese Parsley : دھنیا , Abutilon Theophrasti : چائنا جوٹ جڑی بوٹی , Fennel : سونف , Comfrey : کھانے کے پتے , Black Henbane : ایک زہریلا پیڑ , Common Purslane : خرفہ سبزی , Borecole : کرم کلہ , Spinach : پالک , Common Sorrel : چوکا , Cumin : زیرہ

Useful Words Definitions

Parsley: aromatic herb with flat or crinkly leaves that are cut finely and used to garnish food.

Common Basil: annual or perennial of tropical Asia having spikes of small white flowers and aromatic leaves; one of the most important culinary herbs; used in salads, casseroles, sauces and some liqueurs.

Abelmoschus Esculentus: tall coarse annual of Old World tropics widely cultivated in southern United States and West Indies for its long mucilaginous green pods used as basis for soups and stews; sometimes placed in genus Hibiscus.

Anethum Graveolens: aromatic Old World herb having aromatic threadlike foliage and seeds used as seasoning.

Ambrosia Artemisiifolia: annual weed with finely divided foliage and spikes of green flowers; common in North America; introduced elsewhere accidentally.

Glycine Max: erect bushy hairy annual herb having trifoliate leaves and purple to pink flowers; extensively cultivated for food and forage and soil improvement but especially for its nutritious oil-rich seeds; native to Asia.

Common Lettuce: annual or perennial garden plant having succulent leaves used in salads; widely grown.

Apium Graveolens Dulce: widely cultivated herb with aromatic leaf stalks that are eaten raw or cooked.

Common Horehound: European aromatic herb with hairy leaves and numerous white flowers in axillary cymes; leaves yield a bitter extract use medicinally and as flavoring.

Fenugreek: annual herb or southern Europe and eastern Asia having off-white flowers and aromatic seeds used medicinally and in curry.

Common Morning Glory: annual or perennial climbing herb of Central America having sky-blue flowers; most commonly cultivated morning glory.

Beet: a root vegetable with a deep purple-red color and a sweet, earthy flavor. It is often used in salads, soups, and as a side dish when cooked.

Lavender: any of various Old World aromatic shrubs or subshrubs with usually mauve or blue flowers; widely cultivated.

Common Sage: shrubby plant with aromatic greyish-green leaves used as a cooking herb.

Hibiscus Sabdariffa: East Indian sparsely prickly annual herb or perennial subshrub widely cultivated for its fleshy calyxes used in tarts and jelly and for its bast fiber.

Dolichos Biflorus: twining herb of Old World tropics cultivated in India for food and fodder; sometimes placed in genus Dolichos.

Black-Eyed Susan: annual weedy herb with ephemeral yellow purple-eyed flowers; Old World tropics; naturalized as a weed in North America.

Ginseng: Chinese herb with palmately compound leaves and small greenish flowers and forked aromatic roots believed to have medicinal powers.

Hyssop: a European mint with aromatic and pungent leaves used in perfumery and as a seasoning in cookery; often cultivated as a remedy for bruises; yields hyssop oil.

Golden Buttons: common perennial aromatic herb native to Eurasia having buttonlike yellow flower heads and bitter-tasting pinnate leaves sometimes used medicinally.

Artemisia Vulgaris: European tufted aromatic perennial herb having hairy red or purple stems and dark green leaves downy white below and red-brown florets.

Chinese Parsley: parsley-like herb used as seasoning or garnish.

Abutilon Theophrasti: tall annual herb or subshrub of tropical Asia having velvety leaves and yellow flowers and yielding a strong fiber; naturalized in southeastern Europe and United States.

Fennel: aromatic bulbous stem base eaten cooked or raw in salads.

Comfrey: leaves make a popular tisane; young leaves used in salads or cooked.

Black Henbane: poisonous fetid Old World herb having sticky hairy leaves and yellow-brown flowers; yields hyoscyamine and scopolamine.

Common Purslane: weedy trailing mat-forming herb with bright yellow flowers cultivated for its edible mildly acid leaves eaten raw or cooked especially in Indian and Greek and Middle Eastern cuisine; cosmopolitan.

Borecole: a hardy cabbage with coarse curly leaves that do not form a head.

Spinach: dark green leaves; eaten cooked or raw in salads.

Common Sorrel: large sour-tasting arrowhead-shaped leaves used in salads and sauces.

Cumin: aromatic seeds of the cumin herb of the carrot family.

Related Words

Herb : جڑی بوٹی
