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چھوڑنا : Chorna Meaning in English

Chorna Sentences

Chorna Synonyms


Chorna in Detail

1 of 7) چھوڑنا چھوڑدینا : Dispense With Forego Foreswear Forgo Relinquish Waive : (verb) do without or cease to hold or adhere to.

2 of 7) چھوڑنا : Pour : (verb) cause to run.

3 of 7) چھوڑنا : Let Go Let Go Of Release Relinquish : (verb) release, as from one's grip.

4 of 7) ترک کرنا چھوڑنا : Abandon : (verb) forsake, leave behind.

6 of 7) گرانا چھوڑنا : Drop : (verb) let fall to the ground.

7 of 7) چھوڑنا : Retire Withdraw : (verb) withdraw from active participation.

Useful Words

چپکا ہوا ہونا : Adhere : cohere means to stick or hold together firmly, often referring to particles or parts of a substance. It can also describe the act of forming a united whole or being logically consistent. "The label clung to the box".

قائل کرنا : Cause : cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner. "The induced me for fake collision to obtain money fraudulently from insurance companies".

چھوڑ دینا : Cease : put an end to a state or an activity. "Ever since he found a girl in the veil, he has ceased to drink alcohol".

کرنا : Do : carry out or perform an action. "I did it in a flash".

پکڑ : Clasp : the act of grasping. "He released his clasp on my arm".

بھاگنا : Run : move fast by using one`s feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time. "Where will we escape ?".

یہ تمہیں پہلے سوچنا چاہیے تھا