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دُھندلا : Dhundla Meaning in English

Dhundla Synonyms


Dhundla in Detail

1 of 8) دھندلا : Brumous Foggy Hazy Misty : (satellite adjective) filled or abounding with fog or mist.

2 of 8) دھندلا : Smoggy : (satellite adjective) clouded with a mixture of smoke and fog.

3 of 8) دھندلا غیر واضح : Ill-Defined Unclear : (adjective) poorly stated or described.

5 of 8) دھندلا نیم شفاف جس میں سے روشنی وغیرہ گزر سکے : Semitransparent Translucent : (satellite adjective) allowing light to pass through diffusely.

6 of 8) دھندلا : Cloudy Nebulose Nebulous : (satellite adjective) lacking definite form or limits.

7 of 8) گدلا گہرا دھندلا : Cloudy Mirky Muddy Murky Turbid : (satellite adjective) (of liquids) clouded as with sediment.

8 of 8) دھندلا مبہم غیر واضح : Dim Faint Shadowy Vague Wispy : (satellite adjective) lacking clarity or distinctness.

Useful Words

بے پناہ : Abounding : existing in abundance. "Abounding confidence".

ابر آلود : Clouded : made troubled or apprehensive or distressed in appearance. "His face was clouded with unhappiness".

دھندلا کرنا : Becloud : make less visible or unclear. "Drive carefully, nothing is visible due to fog".

دھند سے ڈھکا ہونا : Mist : become covered with mist. "The windshield misted over last night".

آمیزہ : Concoction : any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients. "He volunteered to taste her latest concoction".

دھواں : Fume : a cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas. "Smoke rising from the capitol".
