Foggy meaning in Urdu
Foggy Sentence
Foggy Synonyms
Foggy Definitions
1 of 3) Foggy, Brumous, Hazy, Misty : دھندلا : (satellite adjective) filled or abounding with fog or mist.
2 of 3) Foggy, Dazed, Groggy, Logy, Stuporous : مدہوش : (satellite adjective) stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion).
3 of 3) Foggy, Bleary, Blurred, Blurry, Fuzzy, Hazy, Muzzy : غیر واضع : (satellite adjective) indistinct or hazy in outline.
Useful Words
Cloud-Covered : بے دہوپ کا , Mistily : دھندلے پن سے , Cavernous : بہت زیادہ حساس بافت جو اوپر کو اٹھ سکے اور ہیجانی حالت میں تن جائے , Misty : گیلا دھندلا , Mist : دھند سے ڈھکا ہونا , Haziness : دھندلاہٹ , Drizzle : بونداباندی , Atomiser : چھڑکنے کا آلہ , Sappy : رطوبت سے پر , Grassy : گھاس دار , Arboraceous : درختوں سے بھرا , Weedy : گھاس پھوس سے بھرا ہوا , Bouldered : پتھریلا , Aired : ہوا دار , Starry : ستاروں سے بھرا ھوا , Gravelly : کنکری , Blowy : ہوادار , Rockiness : سختی , Marly : کھٹیلی مٹی کا , Airiness : ہوا دار , Chafflike : بہوسے کی مانند , Arenaceous : ریت کی طرح , Beguiled : حیران کن , Slough : دلدلی جگہ , Jam-Packed : کھچا کھچ بھرا ہوا , Fraught : معنی خیز , At A Loss : تذبذب کا شکار , Brimful : لبا لب , Shadowed : سایہ دار , Satisfied : پر اطمینان , Abscessed : پیپ بھرا
Useful Words Definitions
Cloud-Covered: filled or abounding with clouds.
Mistily: in a misty manner.
Cavernous: filled with vascular sinuses and capable of becoming distended and rigid as the result of being filled with blood.
Misty: wet with mist.
Mist: become covered with mist.
Haziness: cloudiness resulting from haze or mist or vapor.
Drizzle: very light rain; stronger than mist but less than a shower.
Atomiser: a dispenser that turns a liquid (such as perfume) into a fine mist.
Sappy: abounding in sap.
Grassy: abounding in grass.
Arboraceous: abounding in trees.
Weedy: abounding with or resembling weeds.
Bouldered: abounding in rocks or stones.
Aired: open to or abounding in fresh air.
Starry: abounding with or resembling stars.
Gravelly: abounding in small stones.
Blowy: abounding in or exposed to the wind or breezes.
Rockiness: the quality of abounding in rocks and stones.
Marly: of or relating to or resembling or abounding in marl.
Airiness: the property of something spacious and abounding in fresh air.
Chafflike: abounding in or covered with or resembling or consisting of chaff.
Arenaceous: resembling or containing or abounding in sand; or growing in sandy areas.
Beguiled: filled with wonder and delight.
Slough: a hollow filled with mud.
Jam-Packed: filled to capacity.
Fraught: filled with or attended with.
At A Loss: filled with bewilderment.
Brimful: filled to capacity.
Shadowed: filled with shade.
Satisfied: filled with satisfaction.
Abscessed: infected and filled with pus.