Fizzle meaning in Urdu
Fizzle Synonyms
Fizzle Definitions
1 of 2) Fizzle, Hiss, Hissing, Hushing, Sibilation : اوہ, ناگواری کی آواز : (noun) a fricative sound (especially as an expression of disapproval).
2 of 2) Fizzle, Bust, Flop : ناکامی, ناکام ہو نا : (noun) a complete failure.
Useful Words
Hiss : ناگواری کی آواز نکالنا , Hisser : ناگواری کی آواز نکالنے والا , Affricate : حکی , Discouragement : حوصلہ شکنی , Walk Out Of : غصے میں کسی جگہ سے چلے جانا , Walk Out : غصے میں کسی جگہ سے چلے جانا , Rebuff : انکار , Condemnation : ناپسندیدگی , Hiss : ناگواری سے کہنا , Fizzing : بلبلے چھوڑنے والی , Sense : فہم , Dislogistic : ناپسندیدگی , Askance : ناپسندیدگی سے , Disapprovingly : ناپسندیدگی کے ساتھ , Unfavorably : ناموافق طور پر , Reprehend : برا بھلا کہنا , Condemn : مذمت کرنا , Animadversion : مذمت , Objectionable : قابل نفرت , Deplore : غصے کرنا , Quality : آواز کی خصوصی کیفیت , Disinclined : شاکی , Groan : آہ , Sonic Boom : صوتی دھماکا , Assonant : ہم صوت , Criticism : تنقید , Echo : گونج , Grandiose : وسیع و عریض , Bleat : بھیڑ کی آواز , Noise : آواز , Meow : بلی کی آواز
Useful Words Definitions
Hiss: make a sharp hissing sound, as if to show disapproval.
Hisser: someone who communicates disapproval by hissing.
Affricate: a composite speech sound consisting of a stop and a fricative articulated at the same point (as `ch` in `chair` and `j` in `joy`).
Discouragement: the expression of opposition and disapproval.
Walk Out Of: leave, usually as an expression of disapproval.
Walk Out: leave suddenly, often as an expression of disapproval.
Rebuff: a deliberate discourteous act (usually as an expression of anger or disapproval).
Condemnation: an expression of strong disapproval; pronouncing as wrong or morally culpable.
Hiss: express or utter with a hiss.
Fizzing: hissing and bubbling.
Sense: the meaning of a word or expression; the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted.
Dislogistic: expressing disapproval.
Askance: with suspicion or disapproval.
Disapprovingly: showing disapproval.
Unfavorably: showing disapproval; in a disparaging way.
Reprehend: express strong disapproval of.
Condemn: express strong disapproval of.
Animadversion: harsh criticism or disapproval.
Objectionable: causing disapproval or protest.
Deplore: express strong disapproval of.
Quality: (music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound).
Disinclined: unwilling because of mild dislike or disapproval.
Groan: an utterance expressing pain or disapproval.
Sonic Boom: an explosive sound caused by the shock wave of an airplane traveling faster than the speed of sound.
Assonant: having the same sound (especially the same vowel sound) occurring in successive stressed syllables.
Criticism: disapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings.
Echo: the repetition of a sound resulting from reflection of the sound waves.
Grandiose: impressive because of unnecessary largeness or grandeur; used to show disapproval.
Bleat: the sound of sheep or goats (or any sound resembling this).
Noise: sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound).
Meow: the sound made by a cat (or any sound resembling this).