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Forsaking meaning in Urdu

Forsaking Synonyms

Forsaking Definitions

1) Forsaking, Abandonment, Desertion : دست برداری : (noun) the act of giving something up.


Useful Words

Gift : دینے کا عمل , Big : فراخ دل , Assistive : مددگار , Satisfactory : اطمینان بخش , Advantageous : نفع بخش , Advisory : مشورہ دینے والا , Assuring : یقین دلاتی , Descriptively : تفصیل کے لحاظ سے , Lightless : بے نور , Advertent : چوکس , Exemplify : تشریح کرنا , Inoffensive : بے ضرر , Boost : دھکا , Redefinition : نئی تعریف , Unsatisfactory : غیر اطمینان بخش , Air-Dry : ہوا روک کر خشک کیا ہوا , Boost : مدد , Polarisation : تقطیب , Affirmative : مثبت , Feigning : ڈھونگ , Lift : وقتی مدد کرنے کا عمل , Cheeseparing : بخیل , Delivery : جننا , Merciful : مہربان , Birth : جنا , Exhortative : ترغیب آمیز , Exchange : ادل بدل کرنا , Pleasing : اطمینان بخشنا , Shove : دھکہ , Unpleasantness : ناپسندیدگی , Calving : بچھڑے کو جنم دینا

Useful Words Definitions

Gift: the act of giving.

Big: given or giving freely.

Assistive: giving assistance.

Satisfactory: giving satisfaction.

Advantageous: giving an advantage.

Advisory: giving advice.

Assuring: giving confidence.

Descriptively: by giving a description.

Lightless: giving no light.

Advertent: giving attention.

Exemplify: clarify by giving an example of.

Inoffensive: giving no offense.

Boost: the act of giving a push.

Redefinition: the act of giving a new definition.

Unsatisfactory: not giving satisfaction.

Air-Dry: not giving off moisture on exposure to the air.

Boost: the act of giving hope or support to someone.

Polarisation: the condition of having or giving polarity.

Affirmative: affirming or giving assent.

Feigning: the act of giving a false appearance.

Lift: the act of giving temporary assistance.

Cheeseparing: giving or spending with reluctance.

Delivery: the event of giving birth.

Merciful: showing or giving mercy.

Birth: the process of giving birth.

Exhortative: giving strong encouragement.

Exchange: the act of giving something in return for something received.

Pleasing: giving pleasure and satisfaction.

Shove: the act of shoving (giving a push to someone or something).

Unpleasantness: the quality of giving displeasure.

Calving: giving birth to a calf.

Related Words

Rejection : نا منظوری , Apostasy : وابستگی ترک کرنے کا عمل

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