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غَیر مَعمُولی : Ghair Mamuli Meaning in English

Ghair Mamuli Synonyms


Ghair Mamuli in Detail

1 of 14) نہایت غیر معمولی : Exceeding Exceptional Olympian Prodigious Surpassing : (satellite adjective) far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree.

2 of 14) غیر معمولی غیر عادی : Unaccustomed : (adjective) not habituated to; unfamiliar with.

3 of 14) انوکھا نادر غیر معمولی : Uncommon : (adjective) not common or ordinarily encountered; unusually great in amount or remarkable in character or kind.

4 of 14) بہت زیادہ غیر معمولی بہت بڑا : Enormous Tremendous : (satellite adjective) extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree.

5 of 14) غیر معمولی نمایاں : Remarkable Singular : (satellite adjective) unusual or striking.

6 of 14) نادر غیر معمولی : Rare : (satellite adjective) not widely known; especially valued for its uncommonness.

7 of 14) غیر معمولی عادت کے خلاف : Unwonted : (satellite adjective) out of the ordinary.

8 of 14) غیر معمولی : Unusual : (adjective) not usual or common or ordinary.

9 of 14) غیر معمولی : Abnormal Unnatural : (adjective) not normal; not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm.

10 of 14) حیرت انگیز غیر معمولی : Extraordinary : (adjective) beyond what is ordinary or usual; highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable.

11 of 14) غیر معمولی : Out Of The Way : (adverb) extraordinary; unusual.

12 of 14) غیر معمولی : Unaccustomed : (satellite adjective) not customary or usual.

13 of 14) غیر معمولی بے قاعدہ : Atypical Irregular : (satellite adjective) deviating from normal expectations; somewhat odd, strange, or abnormal.

14 of 14) غیر معمولی : Abnormal : (satellite adjective) much greater than the normal.

Useful Words

آگے : Beyond : farther along in space or time or degree. "He helped me beyond my expectations".

سطح : Degree : a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality. "A moderate grade of intelligence".

دور : Far : located at a great distance in time or space or degree. "He has gone far away".

وسعت : Magnitude : the property of relative size or extent (whether large or small). "They tried to predict the magnitude of the explosion".

نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".

ناواقف : Unfamiliar : not known or well known. "A name unfamiliar to most".

عموماً : Usual : occurring or encountered or experienced or observed frequently or in accordance with regular practice or procedure. "Grew the usual vegetables".

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