Indehiscent Indefinitely Indefinite Indefinable Indefensible Indefeasible Indefatigably Indefatigableness Indelible Indelibly Indelicate Indemnification Indemnify Indemnity Indent Indenture Independence Independence Day Independency Independent

Indelible meaning in Urdu

Indelible Sentence

An indelible stain.

Indelible Synonym

Indelible Definitions

1) Indelible, Unerasable : جو نہ مٹایا جاسکے : (satellite adjective) cannot be removed or erased.

Indelible memories.


Useful Words

Indelibly : ان مٹ طور پر , Boned : ہڈیوں کے بغیر , Unappareled : بغیر لباس کے , Earthy : خالص , Irremovable : ناقابل برطرفی , Amputee : جوارح کٹا شخص , Confine : روکنا , Residue : بچی کھچی شے , Alleviation : آرام , Cut : خصی جانور , Fringe : شہر کا کنارا , Shell Bean : پھلی , All Clear : سب ٹھیک ہے , Dross : فضلہ , Pollard : منڈا جانور , Hominy : مکئی کا دلیہ , Permanent Magnet : مستقل مقناطیس , Ablative : ختم ہونے والا , Cocoa : کوکوکے بیج کا سفوف , Rind : سخت چھال , End Game : شطرنج کے کھیل کا آخری مرحلہ , Blush Wine : گلابی مائل شراب , Abortus : آدھا کلو سے کم کا جنین , Cutting : پودے کی قلم , Skim : بالائی اترا ہوا , Lock : بند کرنا , Going To Jerusalem : ایک کرسی کھیل جو موسیقی کے ساتھ کھیلا جاتا ہے

Useful Words Definitions

Indelibly: in an indelible manner.

Boned: having had the bones removed.

Unappareled: having removed clothing.

Earthy: not far removed from or suggestive of nature.

Irremovable: incapable of being removed or away or dismiss.

Amputee: someone who has had a limb removed by amputation.

Confine: prevent from leaving or from being removed.

Residue: matter that remains after something has been removed.

Alleviation: the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced.

Cut: (of a male animal) having the testicles removed.

Fringe: a part of the city far removed from the center.

Shell Bean: unripe beans removed from the pod before cooking.

All Clear: permission to proceed because obstacles have been removed.

Dross: worthless or dangerous material that should be removed.

Pollard: a usually horned animal that has either shed its horns or had them removed.

Hominy: hulled corn with the bran and germ removed.

Permanent Magnet: a magnet that retains its magnetism after being removed from a magnetic field.

Ablative: tending to ablate; i.e. to be removed or vaporized at very high temperature.

Cocoa: powder of ground roasted cacao beans with most of the fat removed.

Rind: the natural outer covering of food (usually removed before eating).

End Game: the final stages of a chess game after most of the pieces have been removed from the board.

Blush Wine: pinkish table wine from red grapes whose skins were removed after fermentation began.

Abortus: a human fetus whose weight is less than 0.5 kilogram when removed or expelled from the mother`s body.

Cutting: a part (sometimes a root or leaf or bud) removed from a plant to propagate a new plant through rooting or grafting.

Skim: used of milk and milk products from which the cream has been removed.

Lock: place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape.

Going To Jerusalem: a child's game in which players march to music around a group of chairs that contains one chair less than the number of players; when the music abruptly stops the players scramble to sit and the player who does not find a chair is eliminated; then a chair is removed and the march resumes until only the winner is seated.

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