Barqi Isharay ...Kan Ki Nali Suti Mazahemat Ghair Barqi Gitar Awaz Janchnay ... Awaz Ki Muntaq... Awaz Ka Taatul Samundari Aala Kan Ki Rag RuknaPata Lagana Awaz Ki Tarseel Awaz Ki Taaqat Awaz Ki Wusat Awaz Ka Dbao Tawanai Ki Taqs... Awaz Mehfooz K... Awaz Ka Khof Talash Karna Jisim Mein Loha...

کان کی رگ : Kan Ki Rag Meaning in English


Kan Ki Rag in Detail

1) کان کی رگ : Acoustic Nerve Auditory Nerve Eighth Cranial Nerve Nervus Vestibulocochlearis Vestibulocochlear Nerve : (noun) a composite sensory nerve supplying the hair cells of the vestibular organ and the hair cells of the cochlea.

Useful Words

چھوٹا سا کمرہ : Cell : any small compartment. "The honey bee cell in forest".

مخلوط : Composite : consisting of separate interconnected parts.

بال : Hair : a covering for the body (or parts of it) consisting of a dense growth of threadlike structures (as on the human head); helps to prevent heat loss. "Get your hair done".

دم : Heart : the courage to carry on. "You don`t have such a nerve".

عضو : Organ : a fully differentiated structural and functional unit in an animal that is specialized for some particular function.

احساس والا : Sensorial : involving or derived from the senses. "Sensory experience".

فراہمی : Provision : the activity of supplying or providing something.

توازن سے متعلق : Vestibular : relating to the sense of equilibrium.

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