Morosi : (genetics) attributes acquired via biological heredity from the parents
Darmiani Ya Was... : the quality of being mediate
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Khatna : Circumcision Reham Ko Kat Kar Nikaal Dena : Panhysterectomy, Radical Hysterectomy Wo Jo Musiqi Kay Duran Barhana Ho Ja : Ecdysiast, Exotic Dancer, Peeler, Stripper, Striptease, Striptease Artist, Stripteaser Mashq Karna : Example, Exercise Ibrat : Deterrent Example, Example, Lesson, Object Lesson Denmark Or Norway Ka Qadeem Badshah : Canute, Canute The Great, Cnut, Knut Chati : Bust, Female Chest Hair Pehir : Ambage, Circumlocution, Periphrasis Pasli : Costa, Rib Rafa Haajat : Bm, Bowel Movement, Movement Murtad Hojana : Apostatise, Apostatize, Tergiversate Mudai : Complainant, Plaintiff Jhalak : Color, Colour, Gloss, Semblance Ghoray Ki Naal : Horseshoe, Shoe Seksu Phone Bajane Wala : Saxist, Saxophonist Qabil Fehm : Crystal Clear, Limpid, Lucid, Luculent, Pellucid, Perspicuous Hirasaan Karna : Beset, Chevvy, Chevy, Chivvy, Chivy, Harass, Harry, Hassle, Molest, Plague, Provoke