Loos Loopy Looping Looper Loop Loony Toons Loony Bin Loony Loose Loose End Loose Off Loose Sentence Loose Smut Loose Woman Loose-Fitting Loose-Jointed Loosely Loosen Loosen Up Looseness

Loose meaning in Urdu

Loose Sentences

Dogs loose on the streets.
Loose clothing.

Loose Synonyms


Loose Definitions

1 of 7) Loose : ڈھیلا ڈھالا : (adjective) not tight; not closely constrained or constricted or constricting.

The large shoes were very loose.

2 of 7) Loose, Free, Liberate, Release, Unloose, Unloosen : آزاد کرنا : (verb) grant freedom to; free from confinement.

3 of 7) Loose, Free : بلا روک ٹوک : (adverb) without restraint.

Cows in India are running loose.

4 of 7) Loose, Loosen : ڈھیلا بنانا, ڈھیلا کرنا : (verb) make loose or looser.

Loosen the tension on a rope.

5 of 7) Loose, Loosen, Relax : ڈھیلا ہونا, ڈھیلا چھوڑ دینا, ڈھیل دینا : (verb) become loose or looser or less tight.

The noose loosened.

6 of 7) Loose, Informal : غیر سرکاری : (satellite adjective) not officially recognized or controlled.

A loose organization of the local farmers.

7 of 7) Loose, At Large, Escaped, On The Loose : مفرور : (satellite adjective) having escaped, especially from confinement.

Criminals on the loose in the neighborhood.

Loose in Idioms

A Loose Cannon : Someone who loses his or her temper very quickly.

Useful Words

Tight : تنگ , Salwar : شلوار , Tightly : کسا ہوا , Loosen : ڈھیلا کرنا , Slack : ڈھیل , Robe : قبا , Housecoat : عورت کا ڈھیلا ڈھالا لباس , Mother Hubbard : ایک قسم کا عورتوں کا ڈھیلا لباس , Dandruff : خشکی , Gauze : جالی , Bow : گرہ , Quicksand : دلدل , Terry Towel : ترکی تولیہ , Clip : کلپ , Mantua : ڈھیلا لبادہ جو سترہویں اور اٹھارویں صدیوں میں پہنا جاتا تھا , Banian : بنیان , Dust Coat : ایک لمبا سا لباس , Cowl : کلہ دار عبا , Coverall : عبا , Baster : پیوست کرنے والا , Scree : ڈھلان , Coattail : کوٹ کا نچلا حصہ , Ulster : لمبا اور ڈھیلا ڈھالا اور کوٹ , Sand : بالو , Cloak : عبایہ , Tunic : لمبی قمیض , Camise : قمیض , Baste : کچی سلائی , Crime Syndicate : ہلکا پھلکا تعلق , Buckle : بکسوا , Pretzel : خستہ بل دار بسکٹ

Useful Words Definitions

Tight: closely constrained or constricted or constricting.

Salwar: a pair of light loose trousers with a tight fit around the ankles; worn by women from the Indian subcontinent (usually with a kameez).

Tightly: in a tight or constricted manner.

Loosen: cause to become loose.

Slack: the quality of being loose (not taut).

Robe: any loose flowing garment.

Housecoat: a loose dressing gown for women.

Mother Hubbard: a woman's loose unbelted dress.

Dandruff: loose scales shed from the scalp.

Gauze: a net of transparent fabric with a loose open weave.

Bow: a knot with two loops and loose ends; used to tie shoelaces.

Quicksand: a pit filled with loose wet sand into which objects are sucked down.

Terry Towel: a bath towel with rough loose pile.

Clip: any of various small fasteners used to hold loose articles together.

Mantua: loose gown of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Banian: a loose fitting jacket; originally worn in India.

Dust Coat: a loose coverall (coat or frock) reaching down to the ankles.

Cowl: a loose hood or hooded robe (as worn by a monk).

Coverall: a loose-fitting protective garment that is worn over other clothing.

Baster: a sewer who fastens a garment with long loose stitches.

Scree: a sloping mass of loose rocks at the base of a cliff.

Coattail: the loose back flap of a coat that hangs below the waist.

Ulster: loose long overcoat of heavy fabric; usually belted.

Sand: a loose material consisting of grains of rock or coral.

Cloak: a loose outer garment that hangs loosely from the shoulders.

Tunic: any of a variety of loose fitting cloaks extending to the hips or knees.

Camise: a loose shirt or tunic; originally worn in the Middle Ages.

Baste: a loose temporary sewing stitch to hold layers of fabric together.

Crime Syndicate: a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities.

Buckle: fastener that fastens together two ends of a belt or strap; often has loose prong.

Pretzel: glazed and salted cracker typically in the shape of a loose knot.

Related Words

Alter : بدلنا , Weaken : کمزور تر ہونا , Slack : ڈھیلا کرنا , Unscrew : بوتل کے ڈھکن کو گھما کر کہولنا , Bail : ضمانت پر رہا ہوجانا , Parole : کسی قیدی کو پیرول یا ضمانت پر رہا کرنا , Free : خود مختار , Baggy : تھیلے کی طرح ڈھیلا ڈھالا , Unofficial : غیر سرکاری , Lax : کمزور
