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مہربان : Meharban Meaning in English

Meharban Sentences

Meharban Synonyms


Meharban in Detail

1 of 7) مہربان شفيق خیر خواہ : Kind : (adjective) having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior.

2 of 7) مہربان لطیف خوش خلق : Complaisant Obliging : (satellite adjective) showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others.

3 of 7) شفیق مہربان : Fatherlike Fatherly : (satellite adjective) like or befitting a father or fatherhood; kind and protective.

4 of 7) مہربان موافق : Propitious : (adjective) presenting favorable circumstances; likely to result in or show signs of success.

5 of 7) مہربان : Benevolent : (adjective) intending or showing kindness.

6 of 7) مہربان شفیق : Indulgent : (adjective) characterized by or given to yielding to the wishes of someone.

7 of 7) مہربان رحم دل : Merciful : (adjective) showing or giving mercy.

Useful Words

چال چلن : Behavior : manner of acting or controlling yourself. "You are recognized by what you wear and by your behavior with folks".

خوش مزاج : Happy : noticeably happy and optimistic,pleasant.. "Don`t give up and keep trying to get married One day you will get married and you will be glad that you didn`t give up".

بامروت : Considerate : showing concern for the rights and feelings of others. "Friends considerate enough to leave us alone".

کرنا : Do : carry out or perform an action. "I did it in a flash".

خاص طور پر : Especially : to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common. "He was particularly fussy about spelling".

احسان کرنا : Favor : treat gently or carefully. "Can you do me a favour by fetching a glass of water for me?".

فائدہ مند : Helpful : providing assistance or serving a useful function. "Helpful information".

عادت : Nature : the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person`s characteristic actions and reactions. "He is bound to his nature".

قدیم دور کے متعلق : Early : belonging to the distant past. "The early inhabitants of Europe".

شخص : Individual : a human being. "Every individual was gone through corona test before passing the immigration".

فلم کی نمائش : Screening : the display of a motion picture. "Latest screening movies 2023".

محبت بھرا : Tender : given to sympathy or gentleness or sentimentality. "A tender smile".

متاثرہ شخص : Exploited : of persons; taken advantage of. "After going out of his way to help his friend get the job he felt not appreciated but used".

رضا مندی : Willingness : cheerful compliance. "He expressed his willingness to help".

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