Mixed meaning in Urdu
Mixed Sentences
Mixed Synonyms
Mixed Definitions
1 of 2) Mixed, Assorted, Miscellaneous, Motley, Sundry : کئی طرح کا : (satellite adjective) consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds.
2 of 2) Mixed, Interracial : مختلف نسلوں کے متعلق : (satellite adjective) involving or composed of different races.
Useful Words
Farrago : بےکار چیزوں کا مرکب , Ladino : دو نسلوں والا , Mestiza : دو نسلوں والی عورت , Hooker's Green : ہرا نیلا رنگ , Mingle : شریک ہونا , Unadulterated : بلا ملاوٹ , Cut : پانی ملا , Adulterate : غیر خالص , Cur : آوارہ کتا , Plain : خالص , Cocktail : پھلوں کا مشروب , Oenomel : شراب اور شہد , Hybrid : ملاپ , Ambivalence : دو جذبیت , Pathetic : افسوس ناک , Miscible : قابل آمیزش , Air-Intake : ہوا کے داخلے کی جگہ , Hereditament : میراث , Homogenate : ہم مثل مادہ , Grizzled : بھورے بالوں والا , Eurasian : وہ شخص جس کا تعلق یورپ اور ایشیا سے ہو , Adulteration : ملاوٹ , Blended : ملا ہوا , Buck's Fizz : شراب اور کینو کا جوس , Macedoine : سلاد , Awed : رعب زدہ , Pigment : رنگنے والا مواد , Mortar : ہاون دستہ , Cerate : مرہم , Appurtenance : ضرورے سازو سامان , Hot Toddy : شربت
Useful Words Definitions
Farrago: a motley assortment of things.
Ladino: a person of mixed racial ancestry (especially mixed European and Native American ancestry).
Mestiza: a woman of mixed racial ancestry (especially mixed European and Native American ancestry).
Hooker's Green: green pigment consisting of Prussian blue mixed with gamboge.
Mingle: get involved or mixed-up with.
Unadulterated: not mixed with impurities.
Cut: mixed with water.
Adulterate: mixed with impurities.
Cur: an inferior dog or one of mixed breed.
Plain: not mixed with extraneous elements.
Cocktail: a short mixed drink.
Oenomel: wine mixed with honey.
Hybrid: a composite of mixed origin.
Ambivalence: mixed feelings or emotions.
Pathetic: inspiring mixed contempt and pity.
Miscible: (chemistry, physics) capable of being mixed.
Air-Intake: a duct that admits air to be mixed with fuel.
Hereditament: any property (real or personal or mixed) that can be inherited.
Homogenate: material that has been homogenized (especially tissue that has been ground and mixed).
Grizzled: having dark hairs mixed with grey or white.
Eurasian: a person of mixed European and Asian descent.
Adulteration: being mixed with extraneous material; the product of adulterating.
Blended: combined or mixed together so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable.
Buck's Fizz: a mixed drink containing champagne and orange juice.
Macedoine: mixed diced fruits or vegetables; hot or cold.
Awed: having or showing a feeling of mixed reverence and respect and wonder and dread.
Pigment: dry coloring material (especially a powder to be mixed with a liquid to produce paint, etc.).
Mortar: a bowl-shaped vessel in which substances can be ground and mixed with a pestle.
Cerate: a hard medicated paste made of lard or oil mixed with wax or resin.
Appurtenance: equipment consisting of miscellaneous articles needed for a particular operation or sport etc.
Hot Toddy: a mixed drink made of liquor and water with sugar and spices and served hot.