پہلُو بَہ پہلُو رَکھنے کا عمَل : Pehlu Baa Pehlu Rakhny Ka Amal Meaning in English
Pehlu Baa Pehlu Rakhny Ka Amal in Detail
1) پہلو بہ پہلو رکھنے کا عمل ساتھ ساتھ رکھنا نزدیک رکھے جانے کا عمل : Apposition Collocation Juxtaposition : (noun) the act of positioning close together (or side by side).
Useful Words
کام : Act : something that people do or cause to happen. "Whose act is this?".
قریب : Close : near in time or place or relationship. "Near here".
رکھنے کا عمل : Emplacement : the act of putting something in a certain place.
طرف داری کرنا : Side : take sides for or against. "Who are you widing with?".
اکٹھے : Together : in each other`s company. "Can we have dinner together?".