Pull Back meaning in Urdu
Pull Back Synonyms
Pull Back Definitions
1 of 2) Pull Back, Draw Back, Move Back, Pull Away, Recede, Retire, Retreat, Withdraw : پیچھے کو ہٹنا, پیچھے کو کھینچ لینا : (verb) pull back or move away or backward.
2 of 2) Pull Back, Back Away, Back Out, Crawfish, Crawfish Out, Pull In One's Horns, Retreat, Withdraw : پیچھے ہٹنا, وعدہ خلافی کرنا : (verb) make a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity.
Useful Words
Jerk : جھٹکے سے کھینچنا , Twitch : ہلانا , Draw : ڈھانپنا , Pick Off : اکھاڑ ڈالنا , Hike Up : چڑھانا , Deracinate : جڑ سے اکھاڑ پھینکنا , Drag : گھسیٹنا , Disunite : جدا کرنا , Tug : کھینچنا , Abduct : باہر نکلنا , Jerker : جھٹکا دینے والا , Trigger : گہوڑا دبانا , Pick At : انگلی سے کھینچنا , Plough Horse : ہل چلانے والا گہوڑا , Draw : نکالنا , Resile : بات سے پیچھے ہٹنا , Sewing Needle : سلائی کی سوئی , Claw : کھرچنا , Weightless : بے وزن , Draw : ہاتھ پاوں گھوڑوں سے باندھ کر قتل کرنا , Disconnect : جدا کرنا , Claw : مشینی پنجا , Tide : جوار بھاٹا , Towboat : کھینچنے والی کشتی , Railroad : ریلوے لائن , Russian Roulette : ایک خطرناک کھیل جس میں کئی افراد اپنے سر پر باری باری روالور رکھ کر چلاتے ہیں جبکہ روالور میں ایک ہی گولی ہوتی ہے , Harness : بگھی کے جانور کی پٹی جو جانور اور بگھی میں باندھی جاتی ہے , Tow Car : کھینچ ٹرک , Agitate : ہلانا , Shuffle : ادھر ادھر حرکت کرنا , Converge : جمع ہونا
Useful Words Definitions
Jerk: pull, or move with a sudden movement.
Twitch: move or pull with a sudden motion.
Draw: move or pull so as to cover or uncover something.
Pick Off: pull or pull out sharply.
Hike Up: pull up.
Deracinate: pull up by or as if by the roots.
Drag: pull, as against a resistance.
Disunite: force, take, or pull apart.
Tug: pull hard.
Abduct: pull away from the body.
Jerker: someone who gives a strong sudden pull.
Trigger: release or pull the trigger on.
Pick At: pluck or pull at with the fingers.
Plough Horse: a horse used to pull a plow.
Draw: bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover.
Resile: pull out from an agreement, contract, statement, etc.
Sewing Needle: a needle used in sewing to pull thread through cloth.
Claw: scratch, scrape, pull, or dig with claws or nails.
Weightless: having little or no weight or apparent gravitational pull; light.
Draw: pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him.
Disconnect: pull the plug of (electrical appliances) and render inoperable.
Claw: a mechanical device that is curved or bent to suspend or hold or pull something.
Tide: the periodic rise and fall of the sea level under the gravitational pull of the moon.
Towboat: a powerful small boat designed to pull or push larger ships.
Railroad: line that is the commercial organization responsible for operating a system of transportation for trains that pull passengers or freight.
Russian Roulette: a stunt in which you spin the cylinder of a revolver that is loaded with only one bullet and then point the muzzle at your head and pull the trigger.
Harness: stable gear consisting of an arrangement of leather straps fitted to a draft animal so that it can be attached to and pull a cart.
Tow Car: a truck equipped to hoist and pull wrecked cars (or to remove cars from no-parking zones).
Agitate: move or cause to move back and forth.
Shuffle: move about, move back and forth.
Converge: move or draw together at a certain location.
Related Words
Go : سفر کرنا , Retreat : پیچھے کی جانب حرکت پذیر , Back Down : دستبردار ہونا