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Rebuff meaning in Urdu

Rebuff Sentence

Rebuff the attack.

Rebuff Synonyms


Rebuff Definitions

1 of 4) Rebuff, Slight : انکار : (noun) a deliberate discourteous act (usually as an expression of anger or disapproval).

2 of 4) Rebuff, Repel, Snub : انکار, دھتکار, رد کرنا : (verb) reject outright and bluntly.

3 of 4) Rebuff, Repulse, Snub : دھتکار : (noun) an instance of driving away or warding off.

Useful Words

Clannish : ادعا پسند , Walk Out Of : غصے میں کسی جگہ سے چلے جانا , Discouragement : حوصلہ شکنی , Fizzle : اوہ , Walk Out : غصے میں کسی جگہ سے چلے جانا , Condemnation : ناپسندیدگی , Curse : لعنت , Caddish : بد مزاج , Abruptness : بے ربطی , Curtly : روکھے پن سے , Impoliteness : بے ادبی , Repellant : مخالف , Ward Off : دور کرنا , Aversive : دور کرنے والا , Repulsion : دھکیلے جانے کا عمل , Lithograph : پتھر پر چھاپائی , Sense : فہم , Dislogistic : ناپسندیدگی , Askance : ناپسندیدگی سے , Disapprovingly : ناپسندیدگی کے ساتھ , Condemn : مذمت کرنا , Unfavorably : ناموافق طور پر , Objectionable : قابل نفرت , Animadversion : مذمت , Deplore : غصے کرنا , Reprehend : برا بھلا کہنا , Hisser : ناگواری کی آواز نکالنے والا , Groan : آہ , Disinclined : شاکی , Damp : معمولی گیلا , Clue : سراغ

Useful Words Definitions

Clannish: befitting or characteristic of those who incline to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered inferior.

Walk Out Of: leave, usually as an expression of disapproval.

Discouragement: the expression of opposition and disapproval.

Fizzle: a fricative sound (especially as an expression of disapproval).

Walk Out: leave suddenly, often as an expression of disapproval.

Condemnation: an expression of strong disapproval; pronouncing as wrong or morally culpable.

Curse: profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger.

Caddish: offensively discourteous.

Abruptness: an abrupt discourteous manner.

Curtly: in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner.

Impoliteness: a discourteous manner that ignores accepted social usage.

Repellant: the power to repel.

Ward Off: avert, turn away, or repel.

Aversive: tending to repel or dissuade.

Repulsion: the force by which bodies repel one another.

Lithograph: duplicator that prints by lithography; a flat surface (of stone or metal) is treated to absorb or repel ink in the desired pattern.

Sense: the meaning of a word or expression; the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted.

Dislogistic: expressing disapproval.

Askance: with suspicion or disapproval.

Disapprovingly: showing disapproval.

Condemn: express strong disapproval of.

Unfavorably: showing disapproval; in a disparaging way.

Objectionable: causing disapproval or protest.

Animadversion: harsh criticism or disapproval.

Deplore: express strong disapproval of.

Reprehend: express strong disapproval of.

Hisser: someone who communicates disapproval by hissing.

Groan: an utterance expressing pain or disapproval.

Disinclined: unwilling because of mild dislike or disapproval.

Damp: a slight wetness.

Clue: a slight indication.

Related Words

Discourtesy : جارح , Cold Shoulder : لاتعلقی , Disdain : دھتکار دینا , Defend : مزاحمت کرنا

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