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شُروع کرنا : Shuru Karna Meaning in English

Shuru Karna Sentences

Shuru Karna Synonyms


Shuru Karna in Detail

2 of 7) شروع کرنا آغاز کرنا : Start : (noun) the beginning of anything.

3 of 7) شروع کرنا : Spur : (verb) incite or stimulate.

4 of 7) شروع کرنا آغاز کرنا : Begin Commence Lead Off Start : (verb) set in motion, cause to start.

5 of 7) شروع کرنا : Strike Up : (verb) begin.

6 of 7) شروع کرنا : Set Off : (verb) set in motion or cause to begin.

7 of 7) شروع کرنا : Open : (verb) make the opening move.

Useful Words

آغاز : Beginning : the event consisting of the start of something. "The beginning of the war".

بنیاد : Base : lowest support of a structure. "It was built on a base of solid rock".

لٹانا : Lay : put in a horizontal position. "In the presence of the brother, the sister was harassed by the boy and her brother laid that boy down and kept kicking him in the face".

سیٹ : Set : a group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used. "A set of books".

بستر سے اٹھنا : Astir : out of bed. "Are they astir yet?".

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