Step-Down meaning in Urdu
Step-Down Synonyms
Step-Down Definitions
1) Step-Down, Decrease, Diminution, Reduction : تخفیف کرنے کا عمل, کم کرنے کا عمل : (noun) the act of decreasing or reducing something.
Useful Words
Pace : چلنا , High-Stepped : اونچے قدم سے , Begin : ابتدا کرنا , Complete : کامل , Marcher : مارچ کرنے والا , Step : قدم اٹھانا , Sword Dance : تلوار ناچ , Stomp : تیز اور زور دار باکوب رقص , Tap Dance : دھمک رقص , Demarche : سیاسی پالیسی میں تبدیلی , Running Board : پائدان , Loafer : بغیر فیتے والا جوتا , Hop-Step-And-Jump : چھلانگ لگانے کا مقابلہ , Devaluation : کرنسی کی قدر کم ہونے کا عمل , Stumble : ٹھوکر کھانا , Transitionally : تغیر پذیر طور پر , Reductive : تخفیف , Shortening : چھوٹا کرنے کا عمل , Calando : آواز کی آہستگی , Contraction : چھوٹا کرنے کاعمل , Age-Related : عمر سے متعلق , Eve : شام , Bring Down : کم کرنا , Weakening : کمزور ہونے کا عمل , Devitalisation : کمزور کرنے کا عمل , Cutback : تخفیف , Retrench : مختصر کرنا , Economy : بچت , Disarmament : تخفیف اسلحہ , Schematisation : ترتیب دینے کا عمل , Desensitisation : حساسیت کم کرنے کا عمل
Useful Words Definitions
Pace: a step in walking or running.
High-Stepped: having or moving with a high step.
Begin: take the first step or steps in carrying out an action.
Complete: having every necessary or normal part or component or step.
Marcher: walks with regular or stately step.
Step: shift or move by taking a step.
Sword Dance: any of various dances by men who step nimbly over swords or flourish them in the air.
Stomp: a dance involving a rhythmical stamping step.
Tap Dance: a dance step tapped out audibly with the feet.
Demarche: a move or step or maneuver in political or diplomatic affairs.
Running Board: a narrow footboard serving as a step beneath the doors of some old cars.
Loafer: a low leather step-in shoe; the top resembles a moccasin but it has a broad flat heel.
Hop-Step-And-Jump: an athletic contest in which a competitor must perform successively a hop and a step and a jump in continuous movement.
Devaluation: an official lowering of a nation`s currency, devaluation can be described as the deliberate reduction in the established exchange rate of a nation`s currency, resulting in a decrease in its value concerning the currencies of other countries.
Stumble: miss a step and fall or nearly fall.
Transitionally: as a transitional step or in a transitional manner.
Reductive: characterized by or causing diminution or curtailment.
Shortening: act of decreasing in length.
Calando: gradually decreasing in tempo and volume.
Contraction: the act of decreasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope.
Age-Related: changing (increasing or decreasing) as an individual`s age increases.
Eve: the latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall).
Bring Down: cut down on; make a reduction in.
Weakening: the act of reducing the strength of something.
Devitalisation: the act of reducing the vitality of something.
Cutback: a reduction in quantity or rate.
Retrench: make a reduction, as in one's workforce.
Economy: an act of economizing; reduction in cost.
Disarmament: act of reducing or depriving of arms.
Schematisation: the act of reducing to a scheme or formula.
Desensitisation: the process of reducing sensitivity.
Related Words
Mitigation : کمی , Alleviation : آرام