ضَمانَت : Zamanat Meaning in English
Zamanat Synonyms
Zamanat in Detail
1 of 6) منصوبہ مقررہ کام کسی کام کو اپنے ذمے لینا : Labor Project Task Undertaking : (noun) any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted.
2 of 6) یقین دہانی ضمانت سند : Guarantee Warrant Warrantee Warranty : (noun) a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications.
3 of 6) ضمانت : Collateral : (noun) a security pledged for the repayment of a loan.
4 of 6) ضمانت : Security Surety : (noun) property that your creditor can claim in case you default on your obligation.
5 of 6) ضمانت عہد : Assurance Pledge : (noun) a binding commitment to do or give or refrain from something.
Useful Words
کوئی : Any : to any degree or extent. "It isn`t any great thing".
اعتماد : Assurance : freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities. "He told me with self-confidence".
ناکام کوشش : Attempted : tried unsuccessfully. "Attempted murder".
کچھ : Certain : definite but not specified or identified. "It is certain that more positive changes will be seen in Pakistan".
پورا ہونا : Fill : fill or meet a want or need. "As she told me she would meet me today, she fulfilled her promise".
ٹکڑا : Piece : a separate part of a whole. "An important piece of the evidence".
مال تجارت : Merchandise : commodities offered for sale. "Good business depends on having good merchandise".
خدمت گزاری کا عمل : Service : an act of help or assistance. "Any service for me?".
تھوڑا : Some : relatively much but unspecified in amount or extent. "May I have some words with you?".
تفصیل : Spec : a detailed description of design criteria for a piece of work. "He need specification of this chemical".
مرضی : Volition : the capability of conscious choice and decision and intention. "It was my will".
کام : Work : activity directed toward making or doing something. "Work done or not?".
لکھا ہوا : Written : set down in writing in any of various ways. "Miss, what is written here?".