Warrantee meaning in Urdu
Warrantee Synonyms
Warrantee Definitions
1 of 2) Warrantee : جس شخص کو یقین دلایا جاۓ : (noun) a customer to whom a warrant or guarantee is given.
2 of 2) Warrantee, Guarantee, Warrant, Warranty : یقین دہانی, ضمانت, سند : (noun) a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications.
Useful Words
Guarantor : ضامن , Search Warrant : وارنٹ تلاشی , Security : ضمانت , Stipulate : وعدہ کرنا , Subvent : مالی مدد کی ضمانت دینا , Hock : گروی رکھوانا , Guarantee : ضمانت دینا , Pickup : حراست میں لینے کا حکم , Foist : دہوکا دینا , Warrant Officer : وارنٹ افسر , Amnesty : معافی نامہ , Executioner : جلاد , Air Attache : فضائیہ کا افسر , Reprieve : مہلت , Arrest Warrant : عدالتی وارنٹ , Certitude : یقین , Bank Clerk : بنک کا خزانچی , Letter Of Credit : بنک کی طرف سے بھیجا ہوا خط , Frequenter : روز کا گاہک , Keep Going : روز کا گاہک ہونا , Guest : ہوٹل کا گاہک , Bank Line : ادھار دینے کی حد , Grocery Bag : سودے کا تھیلا , Carrier Bag : بوری , Backlog : بقایا , Debenture : کفالت نامہ تمسک , Sir : سر , Assurance : اعتماد , Certain : کچھ , Client : گاہک , Given : مفروضہ
Useful Words Definitions
Guarantor: one who provides a warrant or guarantee to another.
Search Warrant: a warrant authorizing law enforcement officials to search for objects or people involved in the commission of a crime and to produce them in court; the warrant describes the locations where the officials may search.
Security: a guarantee that an obligation will be met.
Stipulate: give a guarantee or promise of.
Subvent: guarantee financial support of.
Hock: leave as a guarantee in return for money.
Guarantee: stand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of.
Pickup: a warrant to take someone into custody.
Foist: insert surreptitiously or without warrant.
Warrant Officer: holds rank by virtue of a warrant.
Amnesty: a warrant granting release from punishment for an offense.
Executioner: an official who inflicts capital punishment in pursuit of a warrant.
Air Attache: a military attache who is a commissioned or warrant officer in an air force.
Reprieve: a warrant granting postponement (usually to postpone the execution of the death sentence).
Arrest Warrant: a warrant authorizing law enforcement officials to apprehend an offender and bring that person to court.
Certitude: total certainty or greater certainty than circumstances warrant.
Bank Clerk: a bank clerk is an employee who works in a bank and is responsible for various administrative and customer service tasks, such as processing transactions, answering customer inquiries, and maintaining financial records.
Letter Of Credit: a document issued by a bank that guarantees the payment of a customer's draft; substitutes the bank's credit for the customer's credit.
Frequenter: a regular customer.
Keep Going: be a regular customer or client of.
Guest: a customer of a hotel or restaurant etc.
Bank Line: the maximum credit that a customer is allowed.
Grocery Bag: a sack for holding customer`s groceries.
Carrier Bag: a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer`s purchases.
Backlog: an accumulation of jobs not done or materials not processed that are yet to be dealt with (especially unfilled customer orders for products or services).
Debenture: the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future.
Sir: sir is used as a respectful form of address for a man. It is often used to show deference or politeness when speaking to someone in a position of authority or as a way to show respect in formal or professional settings. "Sir" is also commonly used to address someone in a customer service or hospitality context. It is a term that denotes respect and is often used to address a person of higher social status or authority.
Assurance: freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities.
Certain: definite but not specified or identified.
Client: someone who pays for goods or services.
Given: an assumption that is taken for granted.