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Anathemise meaning in Urdu

Anathemise Synonyms


Anathemise Definitions

1 of 2) Anathemise, Anathemize, Bedamn, Beshrew, Curse, Damn, Imprecate, Maledict : کوسنا, بد دعاء دینا : (verb) wish evil upon; appeal harm upon.

2 of 2) Anathemise, Accurse, Anathematise, Anathematize, Anathemize, Comminate, Execrate : کوسنا, لعنت دینا, بددعا دینا : (verb) curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment.

Useful Words

Condemnation : بد دعا , Deliver : خطرے سے بچانا , Apprehensive : خوفزدہ , Scoundrel : کمینہ , Retaliate : انتقام , Unappealable : ناقابل مرافعہ , Adjuration : حلف , Winsomeness : دلکشی , Plead : اپیل کرنا , Call On : درخواست کرنا , Unimpassioned : ٹھنڈا , Harm : نقصان دہ , Nocent : نقصان دہ , Defence : بچاو , Disadvantage : غیر مناسب , Evil Spirit : بد روح , Conserved : محفوظ , Damaging : نقصان دہ , Preserver : محافظ , Injure : زخمی کرنا , Evil : برائی , Deliverer : بچانے والا , Care : احتیاط , Reprieve : وقتی آرام , Evil Eye : بری نظر , Relieve : تباہی سے بچانا , Safe : محفوظ , Salvation : چھٹکارا , Danger : خطرہ , Body Guard : محافظ , Salvation : بچاو

Useful Words Definitions

Condemnation: an appeal to some supernatural power to inflict evil on someone or some group.

Deliver: free from harm or evil.

Apprehensive: in fear or dread of possible evil or harm.

Scoundrel: a wicked or evil person; someone who does evil deliberately.

Retaliate: make a counterattack and return like for like, especially evil for evil.

Unappealable: not subject to appeal.

Adjuration: a solemn and earnest appeal to someone to do something.

Winsomeness: childlike charm or appeal.

Plead: appeal or request earnestly.

Call On: have recourse to or make an appeal or request for help or information to.

Unimpassioned: free from emotional appeal; marked by reasonableness.

Harm: cause or do harm to.

Nocent: having a tendency to cause harm.

Defence: protection from harm.

Disadvantage: put at a disadvantage; hinder, harm.

Evil Spirit: a spirit tending to cause harm.

Conserved: protected from harm or loss.

Damaging: (sometimes followed by `to') causing harm or injury.

Preserver: someone who keeps safe from harm or danger.

Injure: cause injuries or bodily harm to.

Evil: that which causes harm or destruction or misfortune.

Deliverer: a person who rescues you from harm or danger.

Care: judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger.

Reprieve: a (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort.

Evil Eye: a look that is believed to have the power of inflicting harm.

Relieve: save from ruin, destruction, or harm.

Safe: free from danger or the risk of harm.

Salvation: saving someone or something from harm or from an unpleasant situation.

Danger: the condition of being susceptible to harm or injury.

Body Guard: accompany and protect from physical harm.

Salvation: the state of being saved or preserved from harm.

Related Words

Deplore : غصے کرنا , Arouse : جادو کے ذریعے کچھ کرنا

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