Dar HaqiqtQabu Se BaharQabu MeinAasani Kay SathToAisay HeYoun HeUs Kay BaadHaqeeqat MeinSach MuchSab Se Barh KarSab Ko Mila KarKuch Bhi HoMajmue Tor ParBahesiyat MajmueAikdamManzil ParJo Agay Darj HaiJesa Kay ThaQaribi Or Seedh...

حَقیقت میں : Haqeeqat Mein Meaning in English

Haqeeqat Mein Synonyms


Haqeeqat Mein in Detail

2 of 6) حقیقت میں در حقیقت : As A Matter Of Fact In Fact In Point Of Fact : (adverb) in reality or actuality.

3 of 6) حقیقت میں : In Truth Really Truly : (adverb) in fact (used as intensifiers or sentence modifiers).

4 of 6) حقیقت میں دراصل : Originally : (adverb) in an original manner.

5 of 6) در حقیقت حقیقت میں : Actually Really : (adverb) in actual fact.

6 of 6) حقیقت میں سچ مچ : Actually In Reality : (adverb) used to imply that one would expect the fact to be the opposite of that stated; surprisingly.

Useful Words

حقیقت : Actuality : the state of actually existing objectively. "A hope that progressed from possibility to actuality".

حقیقت : Realism : the state of being actual or real. "Every politician make promises for betterment of the country but their reality comes out when they come in power".

Haqeeqat MeinDetailQuiz
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