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Just About meaning in Urdu

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Just About Definitions

1) Just About, About, Approximately, Around, Close To, More Or Less, Or So, Roughly, Some : تقریباً, لگ بھگ, کم و بیش : (adverb) (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct.

Useful Words

Pour Forth : بہانا , Holocene : پچھلے دس ہزار سال , Age Of Mammals : قدیم دور , Age Bracket : ہم عمر لوگوں کا گروپ , Coevals : نسل , Month : تیس دن , Wholesale : بڑی تعداد میں فروخت کرنا , Calorimetry : حرارہ پیمائی , A Great Deal : متعدد بار , Rationalise : بے منطقی چیزیں نکالنا , Amiss : غلط , Correct : درست کرنا , Misapprehension : غلط فہمی , Correctitude : مناسب طرز عمل , Approximate : تقریباً , Center : مرکزی علاقہ , Li : ناپنے کا ایک چینی پیمانہ , Scant : کنجوسی کرنا , Protocol : ضابطہ اخلاق , Tested : ثابت شدہ , Mannerly : شائستہ , Inappropriate : غیر مناسب , Chasten : سدھارنا , Correct : سچا , Pood : کچھ پونڈوں کے برابر روسی وزن , Exudate : قطرے بن کر نکلنا , Calculation : گنتی , Social Drinker : شرابی , Abound : بکثرت ہونا , Calorimeter : حرارت ناپنے کا آلہ , Ratio : دو مقداروں کے درمیان نسبت

Useful Words Definitions

Pour Forth: pour out in drops or small quantities or as if in drops or small quantities.

Holocene: approximately the last 10,000 years.

Age Of Mammals: approximately the last 63 million years.

Age Bracket: a group of people having approximately the same age.

Coevals: all the people living at the same time or of approximately the same age.

Month: a time unit of approximately 30 days.

Wholesale: sell in large quantities.

Calorimetry: measurement of quantities of heat.

A Great Deal: frequently or in great quantities.

Rationalise: remove irrational quantities from.

Amiss: away from the correct or expected course.

Correct: make right or correct.

Misapprehension: an understanding of something that is not correct.

Correctitude: correct or appropriate behavior.

Approximate: not quite exact or correct.

Center: an area that is approximately central within some larger region.

Li: Chinese distance measure; approximately 0.5 kilometers.

Scant: supply sparingly and with restricted quantities.

Protocol: code of correct conduct.

Tested: tested and proved useful or correct.

Mannerly: socially correct in behavior.

Inappropriate: not in keeping with what is correct or proper.

Chasten: correct by punishment or discipline.

Correct: correct in opinion or judgment.

Pood: a Russian unit of weight equal to approximately 36 pounds.

Exudate: release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities.

Calculation: problem solving that involves numbers or quantities.

Social Drinker: someone who drinks liquor repeatedly in small quantities.

Abound: be abundant or plentiful; exist in large quantities.

Calorimeter: a measuring instrument that determines quantities of heat.

Ratio: the relative magnitudes of two quantities (usually expressed as a quotient).

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